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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Shotokan Karate
  • Location
  • Interests
    Computers, Karate, School
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Xerxes's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. i knew a screwball who tied their belt behind a car and drove with it a couple of miles.
  2. I'm not sure what surprises me more: the ignorance of your statement or the lack of flaming you've received for it. I can just imagine the response I'd get if I made the statement that all Americans are backward and stubborn. Newsflash:Americans aren't backward and stubborn.
  3. If you want real karate loook no further than the United States already. I can understand going to Japan to see the sites of graves or other historical thigs, but if you are looking to train there, think again. Japan's classes differ greatly between the American classes. the Japanease are backward and stubborn and will not change their views on karate. It's a shame really. Now I know some of you will flame me and say TRADITIONAL WAH. But things must evolve over time. Take the internet for example. The security for the internet must always be upgraded because of hackers and other mailicious virii out there. As is the case with karate and everything else for that matter. Sorry for getting so off topic.
  4. Hey all. I recently pulled my hamstring on my left leg and any advice to help speed up recovery would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  5. The only thing that matters is spirit.
  6. Hello everyone. I went to a tournament last weekend and a man was disqualified becasue he tested positive from using marajauna. My question to all of you is do any of you or any martial artist that you know use drugs? Me personally I have no time for them. And also I would think as in that mans case doing that would just burn you out. Please post responses.
  7. Wow this is a long thread. Well in my experiance Ki does exist. It is a technique just like a punch or a kick. And you develop it the same way you do a punch or a kick; through practice. In a kata if there is a certain technique that requires Ki and it is not shouted then the technique has not been completed, and the kata was performed wrong.
  8. Haha. This thread has inspired me to go running right now. It's a nice day out why not.
  9. that is blatently false. Ten hours of sleep!? You are absurd. When you start sleeping eleven hours a night that is dangerous for you. Eight hours a day is very normal, unless you are a 7 year old.
  10. I'm going out on a limb here, but did you do your training in Japan?
  11. I can do many of those kicks Bruce Lee can and its acheivable by ballistic streching. Before you do any workout go up to a wall and have both hands on the wall. Then start swinging you leg back and forth for about 10 -12 times each leg. Then after that form a karate front stance and swing you leg as high as you can and tuck your hips under your leg. Do this 10-12 times both legs. Those are two very rudimentry streches for high kicking. Then after you are done training or working out then do static streching. Static streching is your splits, chinese splits, hurdle strech hamstring and quadricep steches etc. etc. Static streching releives the lactic acid that forms in your body after a workout/training session anyway so its good to do. Its very simple you can just strech to do the high kicks, if you want to kick then simply kick as high as you can until you can kick higher and higher. Pretty soon you will develop more balance and coordination too. Good luck on becoming a better kicker and practitioner.
  12. There are times when you will feel useless, but believe me you have a LONG way to go before you really understand anything.
  13. Well back in Okinawa they really didn't have the luxeries of shoes on hand all the time. But now we live in the civilized world where shoes are readily accessible, so I suggest you take advantage of that and not run in your bare-feet.
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