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  • Martial Art(s)
    Nejad, Kempo, TKD, Muy Thai

nitroice0069's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Do not try to blow a candle out with punches and kicks. By the time you get the speed and wiplash effect to do that you will have lost form. Even worse you can easly tear a muscle in your shoulder or hyperextend you elbow by striking that fast without something to absorb the force. JamEs
  2. If you wrk very hard you shouldn't get hungry. In other words a good workout should diminish your appetite rather then increase it. The reason for this is your body shuts down parts of your body that are not needed to increase the amount of oxeygen getting to your muscles. It just so happens that one of those is your stomach. If you need more information read this link. JamEs
  3. Because you over stretch your muscles. I'm not saying it dosn't work. I am saying that one of these times it is gonna come back and bite you in the butt. It's better to not get as flexable as fast, and be safe. Then get flexable very fast, but end up hurting yourself. JamEs
  4. You shouldn't hold stretches much past a minute, let alone five minutes. That is an easy way to pull a muscle. Then you will be less flexible once it heals up. The best way to stretch is in 6-10 10 second repetion's with a 5 second break in-between. It is also better to stretch after a work out when your muscles are warm. This also helps with being tight the next morning. You should try to stay away from stretching the same muscle group multiple time like when you do a split the butterfly. Hope this helps some. JamEs
  5. MauyThaiMonster, then your friend did it incorrectly. Yes alcohol dims some sense but not all and I was branching off of ppko's post on how some point work better during certain situations. Yes the study of pressure points is not instinctual neither is any other martial art for that matter. Also a lot of pressure points work off of basic Newtonian physics and anatomical points. When I said you probably wont have trouble fighting a drunk person anyway that wasn't meant for the argument of pressure points that was me saying how you wouldn't have use them anyway. Just like when people say they are going to kick you in the head or poke your eyes out if you push them. What's the point the person pushed do they deserve to maybe never see again or suffer a broken jaw or even worse death because they pushed you its not like they threatened your life. I have only been studding pressure points for about 2 years. Also don't take me wrong that is not the only thing we study. Actually we probably study kicks, joint locks, punches, ect more then pressure points but my master has a vast knowledge of them. He is also probably one of the best for someone to learn them from also. Sorry for the confusion. JamEs
  6. I see where you are coming from White Warlock but I have to disagree. I all ready stated why I don't believe it is a mind game. Actual every once and a while my Sensei will ask random people in the waiting room or out in the lobby if they would like to be in a demonstration. Trust me it effects them too. For your second point. What brings you to say parry a hand away then back fist them. Its not instinct, instinct would tell you to push/punch back not defend against it. So it is like every martial art you have to train for that type of situation until it becomes engraved into you. For your third point. The only people I have found that are not very susceptible to pressure points are electricians. They have experienced so much electrical overload that the synapse are not as sensitive so impulses. Also if a person is built it is actually easier to activate points on them. All most all points are above the muscle not below therefore easier to get to. Pressure points also work on people that are drunk. Have you ever seen a drunk person tell stories. They over exaggerate them. Well they do that to pain also. Beside if you are fighting a drunk person chances are that they are so drunk they wont be able to hit you in the first place and will just fall over after they throw a couple "haymakers". JamEs
  7. I love how some of you jump to conclusions without ever experiencing the MA or tactic your are getting on. I myself study I martial art that involves many different martial arts(Muay Thai, Kenpo, Tung Soo Do, BJJ, Jeet Kune Do, Hapkido, etc) There are also a lot of pressure points, joint locks, etc. So I have experienced them first hand. If you are taught correctly pressure points will work 99% of the time. Also I have experienced Chi first hand. Before you go saying it is them brainwashing you to believe something or whatever. Let me tell you that I was not told what I should feel or what should happen but I felt some strange things and was actual derived of strength from my body. JamEs
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