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The JKD Kid

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    All aspects of fighting

The JKD Kid's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Doesn't Sound like JKD to me, "Belts are only good to hold your pants up" in JKD, the CONCEPTS are closest weapon to nearest target. simply to simplify, daily taking away whats not needed. And not to teligraph. It doesn't sound like JKD what there doing.... I dont' know., I'd like to know why he's put belts and side stances, and karate style kicking in there...
  2. I've triend with 3 Bruce Lee students, I just trained with Richard B. Last weekend (the 20th and 21st) And He was good. You've got to understand though, Each Bruce Lee student got somthing diferant out of Bruce, Richard I think got more of the Boxing stuff. I'd say he'd be a good teacher. He's very good. But try training with a some other Bruce Lee students too. Don't lemit yourself
  3. Hey ad, You could try praying to God. You might be surprised.
  4. Hey SuperMinh, Give me an exampel of Dynamic stretching?? And static stretching. I think i know what Static stretching is, but not Dynamic stretching. _________________ "Control your emotions, or they will control you" Bruce Lee [ This Message was edited by: The JKD Kid on 2002-03-17 00:20 ]
  5. Hey, I'm not a very limber guy, and I'm trying to get a higher kick, and more flexablity. In my art, we don't kick high any way, but I want to beable to if I want to. I've been trying for like a year now. And I'm still not as flexable as to do a hook kick to the head. Any one got any tips?? Any stretching exercises? any thing??? HELP?! PS. I'm not fat, i'm skinny, and tall, so I should beable to be flexable right?
  6. I always liked the , pull out my 9, and bust a cap combo.
  7. Well, read what Hawkins Cheung has to say about JKD, and Wing Chun. I think it'll clear some things up. http://www.Hawkinscheung.com Hawkins was a friend, and fellow training partner at the Hong Kong Wing Chun school. He's got alot of interesting things to say about JKD, and Wing Chun. Personaly I think simply, JKD is the way to get to Wing Chun. Wing Chun has the rest of the answers.
  8. I would say start in Wing Chun, for sure!! I personaly take Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do, but i'd say 80% of our training is Wing Chun. The way I feel is, JKD is the way to get into Wing Chun. Its how we can get close enough to get to use our Wing CHun. I personaly think Wing Chun is A MUST! You CAN NOT have JKD with out Wing Chun! So go for Wing Chun.
  9. How about Believing in Jesus Christ? Not a religion , but having a relastionship with Christ?
  10. Hey Yoda, I only do the Dummy set that my teacher showed me, I believe its the Gung FU set your talking about, In my school, we train in all aspects of what Bruce did, every thing from Hong Kong, to La/China town. So we do Wing Chun, and JKD. But is there a book on the dummy sets??
  11. I would say take Wing Chun, Or Wing Tsun (Emmin Boztepe, and Leung Ting use this style of Wing Chun) It's very effective for the streets, It's very in your face, and it can also be very much of an internal style. I take Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do, but I also do Wing Chun , because that was Bruce Lee's mother art, and alot of structure comes from Wing Chun, all in all , its a great art. My vote is to take Wing Chun.
  12. Hey I was just wondering, does any one know of any web sits that have Video clips of fights, or diferant styles? Or people doing forms? If any one could hook me up with links, that'd be great. Thanks.
  13. Yeah, I use wooden dummys. I use it in moderation, So as to not get to stuck, or sticky. But I use it to train mostly trapping, and to really drill it in my mind to attack center line. And you can use it , in a boxer type way, learning to hit around arms, and doing it fast. And it makes you a more effective, tighter fighter. ( generaly speaking)
  14. Yoda, I do like what you have to say about having Jun Fan/Jeet Kune Do as your foundation, and your core. And I'm glad to see that the Concepts people understand that. And it's true you should not be bound by any set law or form. But in order to get to the formlessness you must have the good core. To get to formlessness you must first have form, then to brake away from it. I'm all for cross training, my thing is, just call it as it is. Don't put all these other arts into JKD, and then call it JKD. But I really liked what you had to say Yoda, thanks for posting.
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