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  • Martial Art(s)
    Krav Maga + Thaiboxing + Boxing

GhostFighter's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. What about this thing it as a curve for uppercuts but im not sure if it could provide me with the same exercise a end bag would? http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr18/Mortyr79/site61_20081211171723_1_l31bokszak.jpg
  2. Which equipment is better to increase ur speed in combinations with all kinds of punches? I reckon the end bag is a bit difficult to do the uppercut though.
  3. What about the standing double end bag where u dont have to fix ut to the ceiling, are they good as still?
  4. Can the end bag make a good difference for improving defenses and reflexes for sparring?
  5. Week ago i was hit pretty hard on my nose and it started to bleed and yesterday it happend again, while i never had this problem before, and im afraid it will keep bleeding everytime im getting hit even lightly. What can i do about this besides having better defense? Can it e dangerous? Should i let it burn it shut or something?
  6. I have a very busy life so i wondered is this a good balanced full body work out? -Squats with dumbells or smith machine -Wide grip pull ups palms away -Bench press with dumbells or bench machine am i missing any muscle out, maybe the shoulders?
  7. Ive read somewhere that the fat on ur belly is the last to go so does this mean u have to dieet for a long time (withouth going in starving mode ofcourse) in order to get rid of the love handles?
  8. Which stretches shouldnt i be doing? Ive heard that bending over and touching ur toes is bad and could damage ur lower back, is this true because i do these everyday!
  9. If u didnt feed well at night and go to sleep very hungry (many people cant sleep when there hungry but i can!) can your body break down ur muscle for energy?
  10. My knuckels are very important to me and dont want to risk of breaking it cause i love doing MA but when a streetfight would occurre ive noted myself to strike with elbows and not with my fist since not only would it be more damaging to my assailant but would also leave my bones more out of harms way for breakage! What do u think? And anyone got any tips on how to fight with elbows on streets?
  11. Im unable to kick to headlevel, what kind of stretching do i need to do so i can one day?
  12. Ofcourse i could always use elbows when it comes to self defense but i want to continue boxing and elbows no allowed
  13. I did for 6 weeks, but i quess that wasnt enough
  14. Ive been to a docter he told only thing i could do is rest. Also had an x ray, no breakage of any form and im able to move the finger painlessly but yet when i make a fist and hit the bag it hurts! My middle knuckle always gets the first hit on impact so i quess its from that.
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