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    Los Angeles
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    Computer Science, Swimming, Music
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Davantalus's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Thanks for the info Aodhan! Additionally A few months ago I found a chance to visit bodyworlds. I highly recommend it, especially for people with knee problems because you can see in real life what your knee looks like! If you live in a city listed, I command you to go. http://www.bodyworlds.com/en/pages/home.asp
  2. Crossposted from another thread I contributed to... My knees aren't horrible, but they definitely hurt, sometimes very much, sometimes they don't even want to support my weight walking to class! I've been experimenting with multiple cures. A combination of the below list has helped MY knees feel much better. There seems to be no magic bullet: 1) No carbonated beverages! The carbon dioxide does more to your body than just making you burp. Definite information and studies are scarce but I've read about it breaking down bones, cartilage, ligaments. Besides, cutting soda is good for you anyway. 2) Grow some more muscle! Eat after your workouts and make sure you're getting enough protein. Grab some protein powder, even. 3) Don't stomp. If there's a move in your style that requires it, don't stomp if it's not a test. 4) Take Aikido? I've been taking Aikido for about two month, you have to get off the floor hundreds of times per session. It worked for me. You might have to substitute with weight lifting or gravity exercises. 5) Find a floor that doesn't hurt! I've managed to train on a wooden basketball gym floor thrice a week while decreasing my injuries sustained from it. However it would be better for your joints if you practice on well-insulated carpet, or similar. 6) Glucosimine/Condroitin! Take these vitamins once *every* day. You won't see results until you've been taking it for about a month. And even then, you can't be 100% certain they help. But I'm not going to stop taking them to find out! Your milage WILL vary, and I agree with Grr, I'd cripple myself doing all those exercises, I rarely work my knees at the gym, and even then I only do 10-15 reps. Share your knee voodoo people! I want to know!
  3. I should point out my previous thread which should be a sticky... http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=13562
  4. I'm a member of our little (big!) club. My knees aren't horrible, but they definitely hurt, sometimes very much, sometimes they don't even want to support my weight walking to class! I've been experimenting with multiple cures. A combination of the below list has helped MY knees feel much better. There seems to be no magic bullet: 1) No carbonated beverages! The carbon dioxide does more to your body than just making you burp. Definite information and studies are scarce but I've read about it breaking down bones, cartilage, ligaments. Besides, cutting soda is good for you anyway. 2) Grow some more muscle! Eat after your workouts and make sure you're getting enough protein. Grab some protein powder, even. 3) Don't stomp. If there's a move in your style that requires it, don't stomp if it's not a test. 4) Take Aikido? I've been taking Aikido for about two month, you have to get off the floor hundreds of times per session. It worked for me. You might have to substitute with weight lifting or gravity exercises. 5) Find a floor that doesn't hurt! I've managed to train on a wooden basketball gym floor thrice a week while decreasing my injuries sustained from it. However it would be better for your joints if you practice on well-insulated carpet, or similar. 6) Glucosimine/Condroitin! Take these vitamins once *every* day. You won't see results until you've been taking it for about a month. And even then, you can't be 100% certain they help. But I'm not going to stop taking them to find out! Your milage WILL vary, and I agree with Grr, I'd cripple myself doing all those exercises, I rarely work my knees at the gym, and even then I only do 10-15 reps. Share your knee voodoo people! I want to know!
  5. *laugh!!!* I can see I'm the target of a joke, but that's still the funniest thing ever.
  6. I always snicker when I see windows virus scripts download to my desktop. My mac just kinda looks at them and says, "so what am I supposed to do with this?"
  7. Usually they're dangerous as well as lazy. Get away from them.
  8. Vodka, straight from the freezer.
  9. No, but I belong to the Gaijin karate club.
  10. Intelligent instructor who teaches mathematics for a living and karate because he wants to. He makes things make sense. Good wood floor (gym) Just dirty enough to slide well. Almost one-on-one training. Usually 3 students. Oh, and it's free! Bad I'd prefer class four times a week rather than three. An hour isn't long enough. Inconvenient time. (4pm)
  11. My knee issues seemed to pop up when the weather gets cold. I created a big old post about knees problems a ways back. It should be easy to search for because I've got all of 10 posts or something.
  12. The Karate Underground sprung up after 24fc kicked the bucket. It's not the same but they have kept true to spirit. *Back to lurking*
  13. I once heard that one could say things like, "You *like* to have sex with pink elephants?" (or something equally confusing) to make people *think* before an assult (rape in this case). Perhaps the same is applicable in this case?
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