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Chunky Monkey

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Everything posted by Chunky Monkey

  1. Thanks for all the inputs. CloudDragon - great suggestions. That helps me understand the mindset I should be looking for. As I mentioned above, I know the material and can do the moves and forms, so the only place I could get tripped up is mentally. I'm going to print that out and keep it in my bag until the test!
  2. If you can't do push-ups at all, there are two options. 1) Use a bench press weight machine. That allows you to do the same motion with less than your body weight. Or 2) Try starting with just the negatives. What I mean by that is to get yourself into a fully arm extended push-up position however you have to and slowly lower your body to the ground. Then get yourself back to a fully arm extended position however you have to, and again slowly lower yourself to the ground. In time you'll be able to push yourself back up also.
  3. Preparing for my first test in a couple of weeks. Obviously I know what the material is that I've been learning and any of that can be part of the test. But since I haven't done it before I'm wondering what it was like for others. FWIW, I expect to be asked some basic knowledge, to demonstrate the basic strikes, kicks and a form. We also have spent about 20% of our time on self defense - how to avoid and break free of wrist grabs, how to get an attacker off of you if you're on the ground, how to fall safely. (Actually spent 2 whole classes rolling on the ground with a 200 lb. 1st gup.) So I'm expecting some of that as well. But I have no idea what the atmosphere will be like or how mentally different it is than training. So, what did you have to do? And what was the atmosphere like? I know the material - what should I do to be mentally prepared? Thanks!
  4. lux - if he's with ATA, he's really been studying Tae Kwon Do, right? Possibly with their "Karate for Kids" program? If so, it's really a misnomer - but I understand why for marketing purposes they use the word Karate when it really isn't. If so, I'd look for another TKD school. Despite concerns many have with the ATA, a different TKD school would be most likely to meet your concern about the belt.
  5. 1) Is it prohibited directly in the new testament? 2) Does it interfere with your personal walk with Christ? 3) Is it interfering with another Christians walk with Christ? If the answer to all three of those is "no", then, according to 1Corinthians, it is permissible. Therefore, I have no problem with participating in my school. I have heard of schools that set up a Buddhist shrine and bow to that. I would not participate in that school; I would politely leave and learn elsewhere.
  6. Hi y'all. Following the suggestion and coming here first. Just starting involvement in MA at the age of 41. TKD, mainly because I want to be able to train with my son when he's ready in a year or so and essentially the only MA classes for kids in our area are TKD. Second reason is I'm ready to learn something new and something I can improve upon. I was a competitive athlete into my mid 30's and have stayed in good shape since my career ended (except for flexibility - I'm betting that will change ). What I miss is getting better at an athletic skill and having goals to aim for. When you hit 40s and are just working out, your times stop getting faster and the weight maximums stop increasing - improvements are done. It will be good to have increasing goals again. And, to be honest, it's a different and fun perspective to be the least skilled person in class. I think this journey will be great!
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