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Everything posted by atateen007

  1. Wait for them to start putting there leg down then kinda block it downward jump on top of them and punch... My special . Plus just get in close, they cant do much
  2. I cant do the side splits, but can kick straight up. I think high kicking also has alot to do with hip flexablity as well as your obliques. At least it does for me
  3. I have read some posts about ATA and I really want to discuss it again. I think there have been some unfair remarks about the American Taekwondo Association. The first one I want to discuss is the McDojo. Yea we all know what a McDojo is. But in a variety of posts I have read how ATA schols are all McDojo's. I teach at 3 different locations in Virginia and they are all owned by the same lady. But we are by far not McDojo's. And in reality most of the ATA schools I know of are not. We teach quality material and yes, we will no-change (fail) students at testing if they cannot meet the requirements. Now in states like Florida and Texas (if your in the ATA you know what I mean) have 15+ schools owned by the same person. But even in my experience with those schools they still teach quality material. Also I see many remarks about how we have student requirements for higher level balck belts and such. I just want to tell you that many Instructors enjoy not going all the way through the ranks. I personally havent tested in a year, because I have been working on my teaching ability. I could go through the ranks, I have the "student requirement" to, but me like many instructors dont feel it necessary. I dont want to stir up any fights or such, but will gladly answer any questions and would appreciate comments. Also for those who say "Ill never step in an ATA school", you need to come to my school, I garauntee we will challenge you and you will remember your experience.
  4. What are the symptoms of a hernia? I think I might have one... my abdomen hurts like a pulled muscle but really bad. Plus I had a hernia when I was little
  5. *sorry double posted
  6. Actually, most of the parents agree. In every case I have had so far, the child after earning his/her belt has become more focused. The parents understand why we do this, but this is not a common activity, we dont take belts away each week, just when we see a re-ocurring problem. This also increases the behavior of the class, showing what can happen. Another thing I like to do if we have multiple students acting "bad" is reinforce the positive behavior of the ones that arn't. For example- we give stars to kids for doing good deeds at home or at school. These stars are sewed onto a patch on the uniform. Sometimes ill give a star to the one kid who is acting the best.
  7. Anyone here in the ATA ( American Taekwondo Association ) and going to world champs in June? If so what are you competing in?
  8. i like to train both my legs equally. I have noticed alot for me(cant speak for anyone else) i use my dominant leg, then maybe bust up my shin. So I'v trained both legs so I can switch feet and still feel comfortable.
  9. we have a different rule at my place. It seems to work especially well with the younger ones. We give one warning then take the belt away and explain your belt is something you work hard for and if you slack off then you dont deserve it. Then we give them 2 weeks to earn it back.
  10. I agree with everyone. I think what i would do is incorporate activities with the MA. Remember if they think you are not having fun then they wont either. Energy is contagious. Some activities i would do is maybe play team dodge ball (this incorporates team work) explain to them you are teaching them reflexes. Another activity I like to play is an obstacle coarse. something like- jumping over targets then at the end maybe a jump side kick. Just something exciting. Hey, hope my advice works.
  11. lol i thought you were serious at first dijita. And shorinryu krav doesnt really help the actual sparring aspect, its more for a street fight, but it helps with the cardio
  12. i meant to ask people of other styles. Yes i am pretty good at sparring in my style but i love to learn techniques fromk other styles to blend in. For instance i use some JKD tactics. And It is ATA sparring World Champs
  13. Hey iv got world championship comming up at the end of June and I was wondering if anyone has any sparring advice/combos that are really effective in a TKD match. Thanx in advance for any advice.
  14. Itsuko, what style do you do? because different rules apply.
  15. What i usually do is fake in, wait for them to kick out and on their rechamber i go in and "slap" down on there thigh and explode with punches. Hope this helps.
  16. Hey my name is kevin im 16 im new here. Im currently a Taekwondo instructor and also a Krav Maga student. thats pretty much all so... hey
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