Man, this site is old. Didn't know anyone from Liverpool or the Triangle would go on it really. Seems it is popular after all. LOOK AT MY POSTS!! <<< did I really used to gon forums that much! anyway, I dont mind goin on the odd forum every now and then, an yeah if anyones from the KUGB on this then all me personal details like E-mail addresses an tha are on me profile down there vv (Hint) Lol, anyway best be trottin off, but before I go, I've neglected my own thread a bit haven't I? Lol so I'll say somethin bou my kiai. Erm, its changed now!! Its sort of just a scream, but I try not to use just my throat but my stomach as well now, so you can really sense the power! Grr, lol. Anyway Bye.