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  • Martial Art(s)
    American Kung Fu/Grappling

XeDa's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Excellent post Rich_2k3!!! Milk is an awsome way for calcium. Is doesn't taste to bad either. **A LITTLE SCHOOL TIME** Once you turn 21 or around there your bones do not allow any more calcium in them. For girls i Belive it is a little lower. But also eggs help out to!!! *OFF TOPIC** I used to be like 90 lbs... in the 8th grade going into highschool... thats skinny, But still never broken a bone. Then I started eating alot. Including eggs, Every morning. I went to 180 in like 4 weeks. Thats bad. then i joined karate. And i am a at a stedy 150 lbs...
  2. LoL Thats Enough Shes 18 And its over.
  3. Ya, try and get leg weights. ***But learn to use them*** Also Use don't need muscle to pack a kick. As your instructor might have told you. Imagine your kicking past your target. Then add more weight the take is off and you will jump high, kick hard, and all that.
  4. LoL Thanks guys. It just some of my ideals do flips lik it's nothing but then My bigests ideal. Sensei Matt Can't and he is 2nd degree black and he is the best in the dojo* Execpt for sensei. But Still He Punches hard, He kicks hard, Hes on target,he's 99.9% accurate. I weight 154. And I know in my mind that i can do the kicks. But i am not flexible at all. ** i know this is wrong section*** what would i do to become more flexible in mm kicks.
  5. What part of the leg do you want? If you wanna jump higher get leg weights***But learn how to use them***. "Jump Rope" is really good.
  6. This my sound kinda weird. but my sister say me typing on here... and she wants to know " How to tone up her butt real fast?" What would be the right exercises? How to do them? How many sets? How many times a day? Or if there is something else to do that you guys know of... thanks.
  7. Ya, I think your right
  8. As i have come along in my training i have had many fears. Bullies, the dark, home alone, Aliens from outer space . But one thing is certain that i have faced my fear and i wanna talk a little about that. I used to be afraid of the dark, as my parents were out of town one night i remember what my Sensei said "Face your fear,and the will all be obliverated". That night i got up walked around the house looked around every corner. That night was the last night i was afraid of the dark. My Shihan said "Fear is like tiny monsters inside of you, Waiting to rip you apart. But you can't let that. There may be small monsters like a test, then there are big monsters like the dark, or bullies. But Just Stand Up To each and everyone of them and they will vanish." Face you fear. Dont let the monsters inside of you win. Fight back.
  9. *Cough* Rich man Style Karate *Cough* I rather stick with good old Street fu
  10. Karate is not just about fighting... I spar every thursday and i wish i didn't. Because there is just one man that i know will alway be there waiting to kick me when i open up... . anyways... If you want to spar, ask your Sensei to set something up. Or just plain out ask someone. Then people will watch then wanna join. Then your Sensei might make a class... But Think about this. "For Ever action, there is a Reaction." Always think about what you getting into... unlike i have in the past.
  11. I would say yes. They are allow. This is what in our dojo we call "Conditioning" If it hurts its sucess.We also call sweat "susess". I was in class and the Sensei told me to punch. I punch right there... He did a arm lock followed by something that hurt like hell. Ya, myneck was soar. Ya, I wanted To scream. Ya, I wanted To sidekick him in the solar... But i didn't because the main reason is "Repect". And that is why you guys listen to your Sensei's Or Hanshi's. Becuase respect, or you don't wanna get the living crap kicked outta you.
  12. Ya, but still "Dont be disceraged, just get right back up and try again after Every single fall, and Soon you will suceed."
  13. WoW we have an Indtroduction forum... Opps.. sorry for posting here then, thanks. And my stundy currently is "Red Dragon" and of american kung fu. I would be Farther in my studies but i keep getting discuraged because people can do flips and stuff and i just sit there...
  14. I help out alot behind the desk. Some of those charges are for "AKKF" . But it dependes like others said what you are training in...I can et a full list of the prices and everything tommarrow. P/S I fell alsleep at comp on the forum...lol
  15. Our studio is weird tho... it is like all what you discribed but... then it's more relaxed, and serious at the same time... Its either were playing around, watching tv, playing games or in class, working out, or cleaning. Also our sensei is being tested for shehan soon so he is very serious right now.But then again he is always serious...
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