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SuperMinh's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Hey Kickchick, thanks for that !! :up: Apparently, my pelvis is tilted to the left: my left leg seems a bit longer than my right one. I've been experiencing trouble when stretching: one side is way limber than the other one, i.e. i can do the split with my left leg forward but i'm still far from there when i put my right leg forward. People 've told me to go and see a chiropractor... What do you think ?
  2. I think every hall or dojo has this kind of people among the students... They think because they are tought how to fight, they have a right to feel superior to others...
  3. How do you strenghten your lower back muscles and why is it important to work them in conjunction with your abs ? What do you mean by "chin up" exercise ? Is it the one where you lie on your stomach and curl yourself upwards in a kinda opposite way to the sit ups ?
  4. Switching legs all the time isn't as good as it looks... What happens if an attack comes while you're switching and your legs are "square on"? You fall cos you can't dodge it. Don't ever cross your legs either. Same for moving the hands all the time. Sure it makes you look "tricky" but while you move your hands, your guard is open. Your opponent can wait 'till you drop one of your hand and jab you in the face. If you wanna practice footwork, move around and try to circle your opponent. Don't just move forwards and backwards. Footwork is the best tool for keeping your distance when you defend and "closing the gap" to attack. It's inportant to work on it. SuperMinh
  5. I was wondering if it was good to do some abs work everyday instead of everyday 2 days. I've been told that you had to rest your abs at least a day after each session. What do you guys think ?
  6. I think i've heard about a competition featuring Thai boxers against kung fu people quite a long time ago. Apparently, all fights were won by thai boxers because they were better conditioned and used to take more punishment. I don't know about the fights rules but if no locks or takedowns were allowed, it seems logical that kung fu people lost...
  7. "All that doesn't kill us makes us stronger". Don't know who it's from but it applies pretty well to martial arts and sparring.
  8. If you just snap your kick on his knee, he'll stumble down at most and then get up again and come back at you if you wait there. On the other hand, if you follow through you'll break his knee and he'll never get up.
  9. What the hell is wrong with you tigerkorea ? "A TRUE MARTIAL ARTIS does not talk rather he shows that is the true martial artists.. " What's all that bragging about then ? You pretend to know about MA but there're couple of things you seem not to have heard of: RESPECT and OPEN MINDNESS. Next time you come to dish people out, please remember that Bruce Lee (your idol i guess) has always been eager to learn from ANYONE and ANYTHING. Without the techniques he picked from boxing, fencing, bodybuilding, etc... the "little dragon" would have been just an average joe in the martial arts. Then you started on american people. Again, let me remind you that without american people, Lee wouldn't have been the star he was. Yes he was known and famous in Asia, but the US brought him worldwide fame. Tiger, you remind me of those (politicaly) brainwashed old asian people talking about the evil capitalist american. Maybe you should start thinking for yourself man, cold war's over. American people gave my grandparents and half my family a place to live after the war (i'm from vietnamese origin by the way). I'm sure this is not the place for a political debate so i'll stop here but let me tell you one last thing, RESPECT tigerkorea. Look it up in the dictionary, maybe you'll learn something...
  10. Mine's between 65 and 68 at rest. I've heard runners and cyclists could have a heart rate of 40-45 at rest. Crazy...
  11. Heard on the radio this morning that Lewis wasn't too happy about Tyson saying he wanted to kill him. "He needs to be taught a lesson" Lennox said (or something like that). The fight's promising, hope nothing will screw it up this time.
  12. Yep, pulling your punches and kicks give you bad habits. Next time you get in a real fight or a full contact sparring, you'll be disadvantaged by that.
  13. I think both of them could win. Rather both of them could lose. Tyson used to be the greatest, now he's old and no so fit anymore. Lewis has a dodgy chin, he can't take that much hits as we've seen in his last title fight againt Rahman (the fight he lost). But still i'd say Lewis. Although some crazy stuff might happen. You never know when Tyson's around...
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