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Everything posted by MMoudry

  1. Well he took it with humor since he saw me hit the ball. I suppose that I made quite shocked face as well as I realized that he was in my hit trajectory. Then he saw that I made everything to soften the blow eg. pulling my leg down and easening the shock with my hands.... He just looked amazed and then continued to play....
  2. Well... I have to say that I had mixed feelings about the 24fightingchickens. I must say that Rob had very good common sense and perspective. I got to trouble several times because of him at tournaments because I changed my clothes to civil as soon as the combats were finished. When my sensei asked me why I changed so fast I said that I had no desire to walk around in pyjamas when I finished competing Let's hope he will summarize all his articles and publish a book.... That would be a hit to the old established karate culture
  3. I think personally that the difference between traditional and modern styles are only in the appoarch to training and focus on style of fighting. Modern martial arts are soups of other styles learned more faster. Traditional arts were focused a lot on repetition.
  4. Kumite is like playing tenis, ping pong or even chess. Strategy and timing is the most important. I usualy tell people to practice combinations first. Like cuki, sweep (while hes blocking) and finishing cuki while hes on ground... At highest level, once u master timing, techniques etc. only strategy matters....
  5. Hi, When I started martial arts there were no full contact sparing in karate until 3rd kyu (first brown belt). Before that free sparing or even full-contact free sparing makes no sence since the students don't have the proficency in the techniques. For full contact sparing we wear full helmet (with plexi-glass face protection) full body armor, groin, leg, fists protections. If you get hit really full force it hurts a bit but we don't get injured much. Worst thing I had was a really big blue on my biceps from a misplaced cuki.
  6. Lotsa kicks, didnt know all this would be possible
  7. Who's Kosie??
  8. Well as I described few posts earlier I once jumped a tobijokogeri (by accident) to the face of my boss and then did everything to not hit him His face was unforgettable as well
  9. I made it really unclear right?
  10. Hi all, LOL I am amazed about how long this thread is. I finally came to understanding why the word 'sex' is the most researched word on the net. I see that we can't hide from our basic needs (true oposite of anything martial) even on martial arts forums What I think : Well, I wouldn't mind dating a fellow student at a club (It's none of the instructor's business what students do ouside class) but I am 22 years old and at my class there are only 40+ women and one 18 year old that I don't really like. I say as long as you can keep it out of class go for it. To monkeygirl, I like your picture and find your comments particulary brilliant. How old are you if I may ask?
  11. Basically as for the damage they can cause, they can be qualified inferior to kitchen knife with less reach than baseball bat. So basically they are NOT a deadly weapon by standard arms classification. If woul be like classyfiing a di*do a deadly weapon e.g. If I poke/hit you with it hard enough to a specific place you will die (back of the head for example ). This whole idea sounds SOO hollywood and so out of reality. I mean in real martial arts you learn how to fight in unarmed combat. The training doesn't make your arms more or less deadly. I mean if an untrained guy will poke his index finger into someones eye deep enough he will kill him as well. Or if someone stomps on one's head hard enough..... I just SEE those new martial arts guys sitting by their comp, looking at their fists and thinking.... this is a deadly weapon in unarmed combat.... no offence been there too
  12. Another one, proclaim youself as the great master of the style you are practicing in front of everyone, immediately promote yourself to the 10th dan and start giving class using yin and yang clichès.
  13. Well native americans (indians) had a lot of martial arts. Tomahawk, bow and arrows etc. American as it is now is only 200 years old and when it was created we already had guns, so why bother?
  14. Hi all, I see that this thread is quite old but I would like to post a reply on my own anyway. I have trained for 8 years now in three different countries. US - JKA, Czech Republic - some czech association and Switzerland - Oshima affiliated club. I can say that the ONLY differences I see among all those schools are certain kata moves, grading system/requirements and of course levels at which we learn certain techniques. I mean what is all this bias about true/untrue shotokan? During my travels I came to the understanding that those hybrid karate flaws are essentially the same but every master who wants to emprint himself into the MA history called it differentely and modified the techniques and names of the techniques a bit. Sotouke (Tetsuiuke) is a good example. I learned to do it two different ways. One with the fist at my ear, one with my arm extended upwards. But basically it's the SAME technique and it works as well with both implementations. With the first implementation the trajectory is longer and the block gains more velocity and the second implementation is faster. I say go with the school that is convenient for you and unless it's a McDojo or some cult you should be ok and anybody who teels you my shotokan is better than your shotokan doesn't know anything about shotokan as a whole. Personaly I prefer Oshima training since we have only 5 black belts. I really don't understand why JKA needs 9-10 black ranks. Probably to make the difference among the most-most great masters plagued by arthrosis of joints and the younger most greatmasters and simple grandmasters etc. Peace,
  15. MMoudry


    LOL really worth the watch NICE girl
  16. MMoudry


    Found the right link... http://http.dvlabs.com/adcritic/a/d/i/adidas-tae-kwan-do.mov hehe I love google
  17. MMoudry


    Shotokan here
  18. Me 2 I like cats
  19. Hey man, I live in Lausanne. Where were you staying?
  20. Os means bone in french as well.... Je me suis cassé un os. ----- I broke my bone
  21. Well... I can say from my experience that there really is not a best martial arts style. Only good and bad fighters. MA is used to develop your potential by teaching you what and how to do stuff. But winning a fight really depends on your mind, weight, physical strenght, flexibility and MA proficency.
  22. Thanks monkeygirl. *bows*
  23. Well, I don't understand exactely your question. shoto uke can be used as a block for incoming oi-cuki or an attack at the neck of your opponent. Try this link : http://www.ozwebart.com.au/kua/kata.htm All the heian katas are there in the format of the famous blue vids. Right-click on the link and say save as. Once u have them on the desktop you should be able to see them without problem. BTW there are all the 26 katas somewhere out there in this format but I forgot where I got them from. __________________________ Many that live deserve death. And some die that deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of justice, fearing for your own safety. Even the wise cannot see all ends." -- J.R.R. Tolkien
  24. In this way you'll be able to say that you really follow the way of the open hand
  25. I like the idea of incorporating a dance move into your kata or kumite. Imagine you do a three step kumite and after the second attack (you attack) you do that mascot walk from naked gun (Leslie Nielsen did in the first movie at the baseball game). LOOOOL and then of course continue attacking like nothing has happend. I guarantee that you'll score a point. imagine everyone's faces.
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