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marellocherry's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Go see a propper nutritionalist. The way you write your posts makes it sound like you expect other people to do all the hard work for you. You're the only one who can make a diet work. If you really want to lose weight then you'll make an appointment with a qualified expert.
  2. I know I've just mentioned this in another thread but gymballs are great things. Unless you get your body inot correct posture you cannot possibly stay on the dam things! If you use it regularly you'll strengthen your core skeletal muscles, which are the ones that actually hold everything together. The muscle groups we work out in the gym are the big muscles used for movement. If you can't be bothered to do all the daft looking excercises on it, then either do sit ups off it, or put your feet on and do press ups like you would off a chair. That way you're working both those types of muscles at once (and it's a very good workout!)
  3. I can totally sympathise, I've lost that disc and slipped the one above it (I'm only 20! ) I don't train at the moment, I've just spent the last year in a wheelchair trying to get it sorted, but I too used to do TKD. Sit ups and stuff are great for getting a six pack, but you really want to train your core abdominal muscles, and surrounding skeletal muscles, because these are the things that hold your spine straight Sit ups mainly effect the upper abdominal muscles, rather than the deeper layer (which u want to work on) If you strengthen them, then you lessen the chances off irritating your condition because you've got yourself into a bad position whilst training, as they support your back. Learn how to use a gym ball (there's hundreds of excercises you can do), and try pilates, both of these are great for bad backs. Also because you're conditioning your skeletal muscles you should find that your TKD improves as your posture will get better, and your overall speed should improve. If you work out a certain movement is causing the problem, just don't do it. For me bending backwards is a big nono. Hope you get better soon
  4. I'm a pianist too, doing press ups on your knuckles wrecks you're hand muscles. For a couple of days after training my finger speed was much slower than usual. I was doing TKD at the time, although I think if I'd complained about it my instructor would have just made me do twice as many.
  5. Thanks for the replies! Unfortunately the DVD's you've suggested I don't seem to be able to get hold of in Britain. I'll keep looking
  6. Hey, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a good DVD or video to teach me how to use nunchaku properly. I've learnt a bit already but I want to make sure I'm doing things the right way. I've seen that there's one just been released that's an old Bruce Lee 8mm copy but that doesnt have any spoken instructions? I also saw another one on ebay called something like "the dynamic art of nunchaku do", but well I've only ever seen it on ebay so I don't know how dodgy it is. Can anyone suggest something for me please? Thanks
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