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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Rex Kwon Do
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JLee's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. hello fellow martial artists. well i made a new routine to gain strength and build muscle. anyways my routine is a split-workout. goes like this: Wednesday-Chest/Arms 3x12 pushups 3x20 dumbbell alternate bicep curls 3x20 alternate hammer curls Friday-Abs/quads/calfs 3x30 crunches 3x25 squats using 16lb. dumbbells 3x40 thrustups Sunday-legs,endurance,stamina stretch run 2-5 miles im not much of a buff guy, just sorta athletic. 5'10.5'' 150-160lbs. just want to obtain bigger/stronger arms,biceps,shoulders, and pecs. and a 6 pack, also what kind of exercise will help bring out my V-cut?
  2. holy crap, my whole thigh started burning after 8 squat hops...
  3. i play basketball very often since is my favorite sport. i'm 5'10'' and can get rim with my fingers. i play on a team and my position is forward. i was wondering if there was any way to increase my vertical without weights and just using my body weight? i want to dunk by next year, lol. And also i used to box with my dad a while ago and i stopped because i had to study for SAT's which i'm still doing. can anyone give me a good/fast resulting workout using ONLY my body weight that will help me endure the boxing matches(being quick,taking hits, throwing fast/hard punches,quick jabs,ducking,avoid getting hit, ect..) thanks a lot
  4. did you guys click on "free" and wait for it to download? if so thats strange, well im sorry for the inconvenience. the clip is about a group of crazy martial artists and gymnasts that do crazy flips and moves. they're called Team Ryuoko or something...i forgot, well sorry again
  5. oh yeah, to view just go down and click on the "free" button and it'll show a new window which will download the clip in 60seconds
  6. this is my 2nd time watching this clip and i still can't believe it. you may have already seen it before since it's a pretty old clip but this is too crazy http://rapidshare.de/files/228000/fridaynight3-1.wmv.html
  7. ive talked to a few ppl and to them taekwondo was actually useful in some situations. i heard ITF is much helpful on the "street" then WTF
  8. i was wondering if anyone knew a site that can provide me with video clips of differents kinds of martial arts. thanks
  9. im going to purchase a weight bench to gain some muscle. i was wondering what kind of workouts i could do with the bench. i just want cut/toned arms,shoulders, and backmuscles. also i heard from some people that i should organize my workouts. can someone please recommend me a workout which would give me the quickest results. also what kind of protein drinks/shakes do you recommend?
  10. oh, so im not required to know how to do those fancy stuff before i start?
  11. wow i havent been here in a while anyways i was wondering what i have to be able to do before taking this art. it looks like a VERY flexible style, but after watching some clips i was amazed. would i have to know how to do a backflip or other gymnastic moves before i start or will i learn everything there? thanks
  12. do you have to get your wisdom teeth pulled out? im 15 and i havent been to the dentist in a while so im not sure when i get mine pulled out
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