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daoshi's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. In Wushidao, we like to include the artistic without losing sight of full contact competition. In a recent Judo tournament, one combatant attempted a throw, but was countered by his opponent with a sacrifice throw. While executing the sacrifice, the countering opponent dropped to his own back and cleanly chunked the combatant that began the exchange. It was judged that the countering opponent was the loser for the following reason. In the tradition of the Samurai, the countering opponent knew that death was near as he was being thrown. As a last dying act, he dropped to his own back, in a sacrifice move, in order to make one last attack before death. Since the counter was the act of a dying Samurai, he could not be judged the winner. If however, the countering opponent had first blocked the initial throw, then executed the same counter, he would have been the winner. In this instance, art, philosophy, and full contact competition all came together.
  2. I begin to feel somewhat conflicted about the whole issue behind spirituality found in the martial arts, and the use and development of "ki". You are rightly conflicted. Christianity is one form of spiritualism in the world. Internal martial arts are another. The only true conflict though is with the fundamentalist. Many Christians respect Buddhism, Daoism, et al, but a basic tenet of fundamentalism is to deny the validity of other beliefs. If you don't feel good about something, don't pursue it.
  3. You wont see anyone try the unbendable arm in a BJJ or Judo tournament. A kung fu or Aikido masters arm would break just like anyone elses. The older and more masterful they are, the easier the arm will break. Just pulling on someones arm is not the same as a technically correct arm bar.
  4. Spirituality, religion, belief in God and other spirits are part of the same phenomenom. It is often said there is a differnece between God and religion, or between religion and spirituality. The difference lies primarily with the individual. When one is convinced of his beliefs then it transcends religion and becomes spirituality. Another individual believes that all answers lie in the religion he clings to. In this case, religion is the ultimate. If spiritualism in the martial arts is attributed to "unknowable" supernatural phenomena, then it approaches religion. I would accept that martial arts is my religion. However I tend to think there is a natural answer to everything.
  5. the video talked about people who could do amazing things with their chi. it showd people being beated with sticks, being hit in the nuts, breaking bricks on their heads. Some of the non-martial arts strong men do these same demos without knowledge of chi. A dim mak strike probably killed someone once, a thousand years ago, and they built an art around it. Incucing unconcsiousness by a strike that cuts off blood to the brain is real though, and happens frequently.
  6. it is possible to gouge out an attackers eyes, kick their testicles until they are ruptured or even fill an attacker with bullets, and have them keep coming at you. Police and bouncers face individuals like this regularly. However, a Judo choke or right hook will knock this person out. Judo and boxing can also be practiced full contact and full speed. There is a certain injury rate though.
  7. Ed Parker said "You don't have the power to give life, therefore it is not yours to take." While I agree in principle, there are times when I think you may be morally obligated to take a life- though never lightly or if there are viable alternatives. What do you think? We don't make Oxygen, but we seem to have a right to take it. I don't think life per se is precious. If someone intends to harm others unjustly, then that persons life should be taken. A snake lving free, harming no one, beautifully moving through the grass, is a precious life. If it is about to kill an entire litter of rare, panther kittens, the a judgement must be made as to which life is more valuable. I would kill the snake. I would kill a person based on the same evaluation.
  8. mean think about it, a martial art based on being gentle. the only turn off to judo is that if you don't know what's going on it's extremely boring. Boring maybe, but gentle never. Gentle is a mistranslation of the Ju character. The only thing more brutal than Judo is Olympic Wrestling training. I have been involved in a very small dojo for a few years and almost every player has suffered a broken bone or joint injury requiring surgery. The paramedics are on hand at every tournament and someone is usually taken out on a stretcher.
  9. In a recent tournament my opponent attacked with double leg and I countered with a rice bag throw and clearly threw him to his back. Of course I went to my back as well. All judges disagreed as to who the winner was. The senior official explained that I was the loser according to Samurai tradition. His analysis was as follows: My opponent attacked and was about to defeat me. In my last dying effort I went to my back and countered the throw. I was congratulated for spirit according to Samurai tradition, but lost the match. A split second pause, where I clearly stopped his throw before going for the sacrifice would have won me the match.
  10. The guy that will be my sensai is a 2 dan and also has belts in many other arts such as BJJ and he has studied western boxing and kick boxing and even Kuk Sul Won. It sounds like you may have found an excellent instructor. Some instructors sample multiple arts and only look for weaknesses in them. Finding the strengths in different arts is the key. One of the best approaches for a beginner is to find a good instructor and then stick with him and imitate him. Set a goal for each advancement in rank and keep the long range goal of black belt. Once you reach black belt level you will be ready to re-evaluate your goals and direct your path.
  11. Digital cable TV offers a Soundscapes channel that provides good meditation music. I've learned different forms of meditation over the years and find that a combination of self-hypnosis, Zen, and traditional Kuk Sool meditation offer great results.
  12. One way to differentiate religious belief is the distinction between fundamentalism and non-fundamentalism. The fundamentalist will typically have problems with practices or beliefs in other systems. One of the most positive aspects of martial arts study is the exposure to other cultural and religious beliefs.
  13. I hear this in Judo sometimes. Judo is typically quite inexpensive, with no testing fees and tournament fees as low as $10.00. The idea of running a school to make money is often frowned upon.
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