Hidy Ho everyone, i'm new here, and I will probably have a lot of questions over the next few weeks. I am 17, and I have recently gotten into martial arts. I am beggining to look for a good school now.... I usta be over weight, about 167 lbs for 5'7". I went on a diet, and started to run. I lost about 30 lbs and I am down to 135. I'm still not very happy though, I still have flab, and my muscles aint hard at all, even though they are pretty good sized. So, I signed up at Golds Gym about 4 weeks ago. Since i was starting to get serious about martial arts, I figured it was time to get on the ball and start training hard. So I went to the gym about 5 days a week, did about 15 minutes -1 hour of cardio after I worked out a specific body part each day. I was doing pretty heavy weight, over about 3 sets of 12-15 reps. Well, about 6 days ago, my joints in my legs, and my arms were hurting like crap...I mean like, I couldn't really lift anymore. It scared the crap outta me, I didn't wan't permanent damage, so I stopped completly. My joints feel kind of better now, I have been eating lots of jello, and I am going to start taking glucose. Butt if I start back, I just think it is going to come back. WTF do I do??? Also, I can't get a real routine down no matter how hard I look on the internet. I was something that hardens my muslces, and improves speed and strength. I heard about plyometrics, butt I'm not sure how to fit that in with lifting weights, and I don't know if High weight lows reps is the way to go. Like bruce lee was, I don't want to get big, I want to get strong and fast. I read up on his exercises and he did a mixture. Low reps heavy weights, and then after that low weights heavy reps. And I hear about his hundreds of pushups and situps and bunches of other ab exercises. And it seemed to work awesome for like, the BEST MARTIAL ARTIST EVER. Yet I hear things like doing that everyday is overdoing it. JEEZ I DON"T GET IT... Sorry this was so freakin long...felt like I just wrote my life story.....thanks though!