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Personal Information

  • Interests
    Bruce lee, Martial Arts, Computers, Videogames, Guitar N such
  • Occupation
    None yet

Decapitate911's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Yeh, I'm all natural pretty much. I take like, 20 vitamins and minerals a day to keep healthy, and eat nothing butt good stuff.
  2. Ouch! that sucks bigtime. 2 weeks off for 2 days? Its so hard to take it easy your first few weeks though, cuz you just don't feel like your doing any good if your not maxing out and doing your hardest......ya know?
  3. yah, good stuff. I'm doing a little here and there. I overdid it a little bit yesterday trying to "orientalize" my backyard. I dug up a place for a small garden by hand with a hoe. And my neightbors have horses, so they brought over alot of poo for my garden. And I spent a good 5 horus digging and leaning over and such....I'm feeling it today. I have some liquid, 2000 mg Glucose with 500 mg msn and 1200 of clondrite or whatever it is, and that really healps.....I didn't hurt that much at all! My dag on parents won't let me take down their crappy trees so I can put up one of those pink trees you always see in china.....Oh well, I'll find a way.
  4. ok ok, enough with the certified samurai thing, jeez.I don't know exactly, I mean, he has done samurai training stuff, like a bunch of the ***-tsu's I was just saying that as an exaggeration of how this kid is the man. And the thing I am talking about with akido is http://www.nippon-kan.org/uchideshi/uchideshi.html He is doing some variant of that. Its not that exact program, butt something like it. BTW: another fun coordination thing to do is learn to write fluently with your left hand. That is what I'm workin on now. In school, I have been switching hands, doing whole days of left hand writing, to maybe equal out the use of my tinier, less usefull left hand.
  5. I know it sounds like that, butt he is the real thing, trust me. He's been doing this kind of stuff his whole life, and from like, age 12 has been doing very athletic stuff. Now he is fit as crap, you can see each individual muscle in his body move when he is doin stuff. He's actually a good guy. Hes going to a 2 year akido dojo in Japan after college. The thing where you like, train 8 hours a day and don't really get that much contact with the outside world. The guy honestly does have a thirst for knowledge and bettering himself.
  6. Sweet Expanding Mind Rocks And Delta I have been doing just that, and trust me, I'll ask I've pretty much read the complete idiots giude to martial arts, I am reading the new feng shui book, and I actually got 2 books on Buddhism and meditation yesterday. So I pretty much have the history of everything down. Butt my friend, about 18 years old, he was talkin one day in My computer engeneering class about the stuff he's done, and he's a freakin Samurai, like, Certified. So he has done some pretty extensive research around here, so I am gonna let him be my guide. Although to take his ken-jitsu class he had to drive to like, 2 hours away. So anyway, yay *goes and juggles* BTW, how long can you juggle without a messup? I learned in about a week of practice, butt I still have about a 20-30 time limit before I have a tendency to drop one.
  7. Since I don't have a martial arts school yet, although I was recommended a good few yesterday, I am gonna check out soon. And I've been on the shelf from tendonitis, so I can't really workout for right now, I have been doing some things to help coordination Over the past week, I have: Learned how to juggle Roll stress balls in my hands fast without them touching and balance a plate on a thin wooden rod These may seem like circus things, butt do you think these skills will help coordiniation in martial arts in any way? Like, I heard juggling does something to your mind, like multitasking or somethin. Anyway, learn to juggle anyway, its fun, and entertaining to friends!
  8. thanks guys. I think I am gonn start back slow tommorow maybe doing a half a mile run instead of a 3 mile jog. yeh, I think its pretty much tendonitis too. And yay, my friend recommended me a good Akido school in my area, and a good kung foo school, so hopefully my martial arts journey will begin soon
  9. Hidy Ho everyone, i'm new here, and I will probably have a lot of questions over the next few weeks. I am 17, and I have recently gotten into martial arts. I am beggining to look for a good school now.... I usta be over weight, about 167 lbs for 5'7". I went on a diet, and started to run. I lost about 30 lbs and I am down to 135. I'm still not very happy though, I still have flab, and my muscles aint hard at all, even though they are pretty good sized. So, I signed up at Golds Gym about 4 weeks ago. Since i was starting to get serious about martial arts, I figured it was time to get on the ball and start training hard. So I went to the gym about 5 days a week, did about 15 minutes -1 hour of cardio after I worked out a specific body part each day. I was doing pretty heavy weight, over about 3 sets of 12-15 reps. Well, about 6 days ago, my joints in my legs, and my arms were hurting like crap...I mean like, I couldn't really lift anymore. It scared the crap outta me, I didn't wan't permanent damage, so I stopped completly. My joints feel kind of better now, I have been eating lots of jello, and I am going to start taking glucose. Butt if I start back, I just think it is going to come back. WTF do I do??? Also, I can't get a real routine down no matter how hard I look on the internet. I was something that hardens my muslces, and improves speed and strength. I heard about plyometrics, butt I'm not sure how to fit that in with lifting weights, and I don't know if High weight lows reps is the way to go. Like bruce lee was, I don't want to get big, I want to get strong and fast. I read up on his exercises and he did a mixture. Low reps heavy weights, and then after that low weights heavy reps. And I hear about his hundreds of pushups and situps and bunches of other ab exercises. And it seemed to work awesome for like, the BEST MARTIAL ARTIST EVER. Yet I hear things like doing that everyday is overdoing it. JEEZ I DON"T GET IT... Sorry this was so freakin long...felt like I just wrote my life story.....thanks though!
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