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  • Martial Art(s)
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    Girls, Computers, AutoX/Rally/Drift, Books,
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Variance's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I just tried the number apparently its not right? Im gonna try the address. There is no norwood drive but there is a norwood lane.. so I'll try that with the directions i got on yahoo.
  2. well Good to me.. is well rounded. Good if not excellent in most areas. ie.. Striking, Locks, maybe a little Grappling, Initially I want more of the knowledge, self defense and fitness aspects. While right now Im swamped because of school in the future Id want the option to compete if i wanted to.
  3. while that may be true. I do have a point with my earlier argument. As for the speed-cameras and what not. Think what else that money could be going to use for? Do you know how many rape-cases go unsolved because of underfunded DNA Crime Labs for example? and your analogy of speeding to a CCtv robbery is a very skewed one at that. skewed analogies can be brought up to prove any point. and 9 out of 10 times statistics can be made up to prove a point. You can't just look at the laws. you have to look at the reasoning behind them. Nothing is absolute. Nothing is black and white. a speed limit of 60 in a five lane freeway that is obviously meant and very capable of safety at least 70 or 80. Its unofficial taxation plain and simple. Its Local City Revenue, Porkbarrelling. whatever you want to call it. its not necessarily the cops fault either. They do have quotas(unofficial or not) If they dont write up tickets it looks like they arent working hard enough. Blame the bureaucrats for wasting the cops time enforcing secondary taxation instead of protecting and serving.
  4. Asian 5'7, 130 - 140 (depending on my training) Im a hard gainer. My weight is always fluctuating.
  5. Thats one way but most of the speed limits are really quite stupid(on public highways) and its been proven by many studies that 70 - 80 is more than quite safe on them. The fact is that traffic tickets are a major source of revenue for the city/county/state. Consider this: 100 tickets a day.... maybe 7,000 a week... each of those tickets being around 200 - 300 bucks. = millions a year. and they probably give out way more than 100 a day. I do not look at speed-limits as a legitimate law on highways. Just a source of revenue for the state. You drive as fast as its SAFE to drive. If its safe to drive 80. Ill drive 80. if traffic dictates i go 60. then Ill go 60. Now City Roads and town roads are a different matter. thats where cops should be concentrated on. that or how about stopping some real crime?
  6. Hm I hate those cops too.. i almost never get busted though... out of 200,000+ miles Ive only gotten two tickets.. and one was before I got my equipment and one was because i had my radar off. If you wanna avoid cops... I recommend the following equipment: Radar Detector (Valentine One or Escort) Police Scanner (Uniden Beartrackers) CB Radio (Truckers always advise other truckers about "smokey") Laser Jammer (Completely Legal in all 50 states. The Escort or BEL one work very well. none of the others do at all) I own all of the above.. and I can vouch they work VERY well. also... Use your eyes... watch for "white strips" in the road that indicate VASCAR they indicate when cops time you before you iht the second white strip. Im not a serious speeder either. I do a safe 80 - 90 mph with no traffic on the highway. What doesn't work: Getting pissed at the cop if you do get busted. Radar jammers(except the VRCD which is illegal and you'd be breaking federal law having one) If you drive 120+ mph everywhere. Even if you do get alerted to a cop. is your car gonna be able to slow down in time?
  7. Thanks for the suggestions so far. Ill check out that Ryutekan place. I actually live in arlington so that would be quite convinient and could you give me more info on the machado & guy mezger school? like websites or something i can check out? As for what kind of school... Traditional vs High Profile. Im not picky as long as the instructors are good. Im trying to get together a list of prospective places and check them all out.. see what is best for me.
  8. Plano is in the DFW Metroplex. North Dallas to be more exact.
  9. Hi.. Im from the Dallas-Fort Worth area and Im trying to look for suggestions of good schools/dojos/clubs in dallas. or ones to avoid.. I know to avoid McDojos.. there are quite alot of TKD Mcdojos here I think. but any other ones would be helpful too.
  10. Can you guess where I'm from? Cowboys, Spurs and Mavericks It must be TX Im 19 now.. Im an asian mutt(filipino/chinese/japanese) about like 5'6/5'7 and underweight at 127... bulking and hoping to hit 135 ideally. I hope im not too old to become proficient at the arts.. I feel that I missed out as a kid being on the computer too much and wasted high school racing in Autocross or screwing with my car. I used to take TKD for about 2 years when I was younger but it was at a McDojo and I didnt really learn anything worthwhile IMHO. Im starting up again... as Ive just recently became a health freak in the last year... working out.. (went from 108 to 127) and Martial arts are one thing Ive always wanted to become proficient at. Im currently planning to take Arnis(no kendo available darn) and want to additionally take some kind of chinese martial art.. although Im not sure what style yet. (Wing Chun? Shaolin?) Probably whatever is available as I live in dallas.. and there's not that much here besides generic Karate & TKD McDojos I kind of want to be well-rounded so I plan on learning grappling in the future... once my 19 hour Pre-Med/Pre-Law semesters let up a little bit. So yeah. Whats up Anyone have any school/academy/dojo/teacher/sensei/sifu recommendations in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Please don't be shy!
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