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Everything posted by Tring

  1. You can sort of tell if you web sites going to Scam you But Still order thing od the net but be more carefull i would really Buy it from a shop.
  2. I have Not seen any lessons on Sais But cheers for telling thry are really cheap 30$!!!
  3. My family belives kick boxing is damgerous and that i am not allowed to do it when do you start getting in to matchs and Its it that damgerous?
  4. I like makin up my own combos The ones which work the bets are the ones where you go for all parts like sweep kick to the ankel Then Right hand punch to the Torso then you can upper in to the chin.
  5. I would like to join a M arts Class but no nothing of it. is it self defence ? Nomal fighting? Alot of people do it so it must be good and i have heard that it increases your musels was well. And is it will Nifes etc Please tell me
  6. Try and aford him if you see he walking to wards you just WALK AWAY sort of thats what i did to a bullie (i dont get bullied no more )
  7. I think i can do about 55 ish then i will full But my teacher all way pruchs us to the limet and makes us do about 70!!!! But how many Sit ups can you do?
  8. I found this book much too my help as it has His own diets and weight training It is brillient for new people to Karate or to the well Trained. But let me warm you Baseically the hole Book in Weight Training
  9. In my secondary there are only about 5 people or go to karate and there 1200 peps But i still think there is alot as many of my friends i have talked to have done it in the past. But There was a big Karate meet up and over 1000 people went all doing kotakan Karate Nice to now i am not alone .
  10. I have seen some one fail a bet But his bet was high, most of the first belts are the ones where you are most likely to Pass so i would of thought that when you get up to the higher belts they make it so you have to make your ?????? To complele perfection as i was doing lower bets i flinched and had a few wrong prosisions but still passed but if you had dont some thing like that on a BLACK belt you would never pass.
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