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  • Martial Art(s)
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    writing, music, reading, working out
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Rey's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Short (5ft. 2in.), skinny arms and legs, but the trunk's got a lot of meat on it . I hope to do more cardio, though to fix that. As for weight, I weigh about 110-115 pounds.
  2. Wow! Can't Wait. Gotta see that.
  3. I can't give you an educated reason why it won't work, but I can tell you from experience that it does work. You have to start out slow, though. After a while you'll notice that your knuckles are stronger. You will still feel pain, but you'll be able to ignore it. Now, I know that for me, my knuckles are scared from just hitting a punching bag bare-fist. You might get permanent scars from knuckle conditioning, depending on how you do it. You were correct about your knuckles calcifing after hitting hard objects. You get more bone on your knuckles, which is why they'll look slightly larger after a while. I don't know about the nerves dying, though, so I can't comment on that. The only things that I've heard against knuckle conditioning is that you might leave yourself prone to arthritis or similar problems as you age. It is my personal opinion that you'd probably get arthritis anyway regardless of what you've done. That's just old age. Keep in mind that this is all just my opinion and I'm sure there are people on here that know much more than I do on the subject but I hope that I was able to help you. Good Luck.
  4. Brad Pitt final bare-knuckle fight in Snatch. Bruce Lee fights in Game of Death (The rest of the movie sucked. Should've just left it alone.) Tommy Lee Jones and Benicio Del Toro's final battle in The Hunted (seemed fairly realistic, though I'd be down after some of the cuts they got.) All I got for now.
  5. Pantera- Walk Anything from Slayer Ministry-Animositisomina (CD name)
  6. Rich, You don't think that going bankrupt would fuel Tyson's rage enough to knock out Sapp. I know he'd be doing it for the money, but the fact that he's lost everything should give him all the rage he needs to win. Also, from what I've seen of Sapp (against Hoost and some other K1 fighter I didn't know) he was sluggish, lacking in technique, as well as stamina. I don't care if he is working on his kicks, if he tires out as quickly as he appears to than he'll be an easy opponent for Tyson.
  7. I'd have to go with external. While I can see how the internal aspects can help you life, such as becoming more in tune with nature and caring more about others, I can get that from other sources. To me, Martial Arts are meant for external combat.
  8. Would we look silly doing say, crescent wrench kata? Of course, really silly! But I'm sure that peasant farmers looked funny practicing with their tools as well. What looks funny now might be part of a competition in the future. Watch as Ryu Chang mystifies you with his beautiful hammer routine
  9. Let's see, where to start? I don't want to ramble. I don't want to write an autobiography. I got it! The perfect start: Hello, I'm Rey (King). I'm new to the board. I've recently become interested in the martial arts, but I am unable to find a good school within driving distance. When it comes to the martial arts I prefer basic, to the point, self-defense without the spiritual aspects. Of the arts I've studied I would mostly like to get into Krav Maga, Boxing, Judo, or BJJ. That's it, I guess. I hope to learn as much as possible and enjoy stimualting conversations with you all. Good day. Might is Right!
  10. I've noticed that in many ma's the majority of the weapons that people are trained to use are not exactly the kind you could carry around with you, or at least always have at your disposal, such as swords or chinese farming tools (sorry, I know there must be a name for those, I just don't know it). Given this, how many of you would practice, or already practice, training with modern objects as weapons (hammers, wrenches, rakes, basically any modern tool), as opposed to training with ancient weapons?
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