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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    wado ryu
  • Location
  • Interests
    role playing games

DarkAngel_Azrel's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. I am going to change my opion i still love the girl that left me but not the same way as i used to. True love as many people have said can not be defined it could be the fact that the first time you meet someone you both now that your perfect for each other or it could be you have knowen each other for year's and it suddenly dawns on you how much you love each other but love can only been seen the way someone will stick with you in the hardest of times if you miss some one when there not there you worry if there ok and above all you no that you relaly would want to have to live without them in my opion True love does existis you just have to search for it.
  2. I did belive in true love till true love decided to txt me and end it
  3. At my Dojo the last grading fee was £7 including certificate but u hand to pay fro belt septrately
  4. cool i got god of chaos worshiped by hackers show devotion by sacrificing virgins
  5. I belvie they are both the same move just prefromed in reverse with no real difference between them
  6. u need not be a samurai to be chivalris
  7. K just wonderin i train in the scotish borders
  8. Wado lee where in the midlands do u study
  9. With anger comes strengh but when u gian strengh thorugh anger u lose the control requaird to uses it
  10. Yeah it counts as chivalrious if the moeny buying your launch comes form my wallet lol
  11. I agree fully with White Warlock Chivlary is nothin to be ashemded of in fact firsong has saved my but a few times by me talking while crosing the road and him pulling me back not much but i could have had a few broken toes .
  12. if u seriosly think scotland will ever beat u at football then your seriosly need your head examind .As for food nothin beat a good old plate of black puddin white puddin fruit puddin haggis sausgges eggs bacon beans mash potatos and some chip followed buy a big glass of cola
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