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Midnight_kitty's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. Well I just made up this nickname because of my cat. My sister named the cat kitty (how original) and kitty has the most annoying habit when I'm sleeping to scratch (it doesn't have claws...anymore) and bite my hair (I have pretty long hair).
  2. Maybe this should be put in the humor section. It doesn't sound to serious. Let me just say, in a girl's point of view, I agree with shotochem.
  3. about 172-173 cm.
  4. My school takes about 30 minutes to get to on a normal day...but when its early in the morning and no one is on the road it takes about 15 min.
  5. I'm most likely a bad sparring partner. For some reason I find sparring funny and I just start laughing in the middle of it. I think I spar pretty well its just that I laugh a lot. I bet most of my partners want to kill me.
  6. I'm seeing a lot of shotokan karate students on here saying they break boards as part of your training. My shotokan dojo doesn't break boards. Do most shotokan dojo break boards?
  7. Thanks for all the advice. I made an appointment with my doctor and I'll just have to wait and see what he says. I think I'll try and cut back on the running. Thanks again!
  8. I've been in Shotokan karate for 2 years now. Lately my ankles have been killing me. Yesterday I was practicing the jump in empi and when I landed my right ankle gave out. I'm 18 years old and I'm pretty athletic. I practice karate 6 days a week for 2-3 hours a day. I lift wieghts 2 times a week and run 3 times a week. Is there any stretches or strength trainging exercises for my ankles? Or do I have to buy an ankle brace?
  9. I got #9. The performer....I think my personality is more like #5 though.
  10. I'll most likely be there. I haven't been in a lot of tournaments in awhile, but I think I have a pretty good chance as well. Good luck!
  11. I don't usually wear make-up and I never do to class, but there is a few black belt girls in my school who wear mascara and it never seems to run. I'm always in awe to see how it doesn't. I mean they spar with mascara on...maybe its because thats all the makeup they wear.
  12. I've been taking Japanese class for a few years now. In my third class I responded to the teacher with osu (out of habit because of karate). She explained to me how it is incorrect to use that term. She told me that it is used by macho men and gangsters. She said its disrespectful if you use it with someone who has a higher rank than your own. Ever since than I just say hai in karate class...and in japanese -_-.
  13. Sounds like a scam! It says to send $10 for an application. I'd say this is either a scam, a joke, or a cult. Either way its nothing worth looking into.
  14. Oh yeah...just to let you know. My first day was great! I loved my classes and really didn't have too much of a problem with the class sizes(I met tons of new people).
  15. Thanks for the support! I'm going to University of Illinois in Chicago. My major is journalism.
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