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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Shotokan, Kick-Boxing
  • Location

Zal's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. Your best bet would be to get a gi that has elasticated bottoms. Most of the Adidias ones have these!
  2. Hey, c0rrupt thanks for the info. Do you happen to have any more information on the JJ club? thanks
  3. Hi, I'm also from Kent.....Thanet to be more specfically! I have also been looking for a Muay Thai club as well! If you do come accross one ( do you know of any BJJ or JJ clubs too?) could you let us know Many thx !
  4. Hi, I was wondering if anyone has made a transition from point karate to knockdown? I am currently a 3rd kyu and have pretty much done point sparring with the exception of a few sessions doing knockdown. I am really intrested in the knockdown side of sparring and was wondring if I would have to dramatically change the way i spar? Any ideas would be welcome!
  5. Hi there, Does anyone happen to know the sizing guide for V&M T-Shirts? I've tried emailing a few companys but no luck! Here is the one that I am looking at http://www.mlsports.co.uk/Product%20Pages/Vitamins%20Product%20Pages/VITAMINS%20T-Shirts%20-%20New%20tribal%20BLACK.htm Thx
  6. If you are considering buying some thai anklets I have an amazing amound of trouble trying to find a place that sold them. I ended up ordering them from this site! http://www.mightyoak.co.uk/alsgym/
  7. I currently have a Adidas Master Kumite Gi which I wear for training, I also have a (shrunk!) Adidas Club Gi Heres a link to my current Gi http://www.kamikaze.com/securestore/c76221p9535265.2.html
  8. We have this method thats usually done after there's been a grading. We usually fold the belt up into 4 so that it's about a foot in length and then have a partner hold the belt at either in vertically. We then pratice mae geri, using the belt to "drive" through to the oponents stomach. We also then pratic maewashi geri, with your toes pointed up (like mae geri) to the side of the belt! The 2nd is done as slowly as possible
  9. Yeah, at £90 I'm gonna give it a little more thought......
  10. Lol did looks like someone forgot to tell him!! Does anyone have a clip of this (rather short) bout?
  11. Has anyone use one of these? Seen them advertised over sea's. Let me know what you think http://martialmart.com/spstma.html
  12. Does anyone know where I can view/download these as I have missed some of the past episodes thx
  13. Zal

    Karate DVD's

    Ok, aefibird can you let me know what it's like? thx
  14. Zal

    Karate DVD's

    Hi does anyone have these dvd's? Are they any good? http://www.play.com/play247.asp?page=title&r=R2&title=146585&p=57&c=&g=72#tech http://www.play.com/play247.asp?page=title&r=R2&title=146584&p=57&c=&g=72 If this is in the wrong forum can you please move it to the correct one. Sorry for any trouble!
  15. Hi! I know this is a bit off topic but iolair I noticed in your signature that you trained in Canterbury! I train in Karate and Kickboxing in Ramsgate! Small world eh!
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