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Everything posted by Toast

  1. At my school, we do Paegaes...and then u can choose to learn ITF forms... Hwa Rang is a good form...but if you are in an open circuit, spice it up... Make sure your forms have good stances, and technique....
  2. I would like to be engligtened about JKD... I know: Bruce Lee's Style he made Uses parts of other styles Lee learned, since he wasn't a Black Black Belt/ did study just one martial art form
  3. Any sport when applied to competition and tournaments becomes a sport...
  4. as ZR said... arnis can be used w/ blades too kamas... Kali/Arnis <- art of the blade and stick
  5. Any nunchuk forms out there on the net?
  6. use instinct... if you havent learned it, doesnt mean, your body has no idea what its doing...
  7. Toast

    Blind Kicks?

    thats a pretty tight rule to get around...
  8. IF i got a buck For every person who calls TKD more a sport than an art, I would be rich. TKD is a martial art just as much as it is a sport. In the dojang (school) the focus is on many of the old philosphies, at torunmanets TKD and any other form of martial art becomes a sport!
  9. Valley Forge is very good, but it is only in the fall.... I went last year, got 2nd in forms- missed 1st by .01 of a point and 4th in sparring, im not a sparring guy...but if its a good day i own in forms... but try my school's tourney in baltimore very good "Victory Martial Arts Summer Showdown" also try most NASKA/ KarateWorld rated tournaments...very good
  10. Not real order... Tae Kwon Do (Better than people say) Hap Ki Do JKD Jiu-Jistu Bo Staff Kali/Arnis Kung Fu Judo Karate (most styles) Tai-Jitsu
  11. 2nd- Bu Sah Bum Nim 3rd to like 5th around- Sah Bum Nim Kwang Jang Nim is a title you recieve w/ age...
  12. The twist kick is effective if you see the opening, like top of chest...u gotta see it, its very hard to explain, cause you can hit anywhere w/ a good twist kick... to throw a good one, you must use the foot on the ground to push you towards your kick... garethinian: that picture looks more like a snap kick...no offense...try bending your toes towards the target...
  13. Depends on the circuit...some circuits allow it for blackbelts...
  14. Hapkido is the korean art of self defense...most schools do self defense realted things and spar...not forms...but not all schools...only some...
  15. o your short? yes you should time you r opponent..... remember "Bigger they are Harder they Fall" use ur speed to counter his strength...
  16. In Pennsylvannia TKD schools are abudant go join one...Tang Soo Do, is the "raw" form of TKD to put it in one way
  17. have a good "blitz" basically a front leg round w/ a quick back fist to the head "falling" towards the opponent
  18. hehe... You should always keep your head to the opponent, and look for an opening and immedialty hit it...but to counter such an attack try what I told you before... Its easier to understand if you see it...
  19. I agree w/ u all that karate did affect TKD...but...i guess what I'm trying to say is that, TKD has its own unique charactersitics that lacks in other forms of martial arts...
  20. I'm a student of TKD and i think you are reffering to us kicking your head gear w/ a round house and leaving our knee up and constantly kicking? From what I understood from your problem... this is what I would say to do: 1. Hands are always up...keep up your guard 2. step the the side, put your hand closest to his leg up like you are raising your hand at school, but keep your other hand near the face and across the chest 3. From here you can choose many of kicks: - drop kick - come in w/ a round, 360 hook - axe kick to the head
  21. No Kamas? Thats Outrageous Nunchuks/ Bo is next...I'm doing Nunchuks now...due to the fact the instructor who taught the kamas left since he finished college, he is going to get a job.... So I'm building my wrist strength using my Nunchuks...and I will learn the kamas...
  22. hmmm yes...i agree... he "modernized" TKD...but TKD wasn't full made up of japanese/chinese styles...they took little things of each...
  23. Best Fighter? Can't Say...which circuit/rules? NASKA? Olympic?
  24. Open or Traditional...Whatever You Can Offer...And Then Maybe We Can Make a Master List, That We Can Sticky... Focus is very important....never let it slip out of your tournament practice...
  25. Grasshopper- You Are Never Too Young For the Martial Arts.... And yes...some mighty fine chicks roam the martial arts circuit
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