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Everything posted by Toast

  1. Truely at our school it ranges from 3 to 4...we have some mad awesome trick guys... I however rule on the ground, but I do have a mean flying side kick... about 5 boards so far
  2. Open: I think until ur 11-13 you should wear all gear including chest gear...then you can choose whether you want a chest guard. TKD Olympic: All current gear is fine, Head, Hands, foearms, shin/instep, and chest Groin Cups for chicks? I dont think so dude, they do have special female torso gears, since i hear it does hurt to get hit there...
  3. Ju- Jitsu is a great compliment to TKD
  4. bein a martial artist means u got control ur not tryin to kill each other
  5. martials arts is to help, not to hurt...always remember that....
  6. jus go to the boards and kill em... its 99% mental as tom said.... focus is key...
  7. Everyone showers WTF w/ so many insults and blames... But there is so much to learn from the 2 Federations, each has its strong points and weaknesses...and both promote TKD as an art just as much as a sport...
  8. im very flexible and i also can wiggle out of many locks but i also am double jointed in both arms...so locks are pretty hard to do on me
  9. I'll be @ Charlie Lee's World of Martial Arts 5A NASKA rated...very good tourney btw...
  10. Nah. The Dog Brothers are crazy...lol
  11. I spar open and alot of times against guys literally 5 times bigger than me, over time, myth around dojang is that i have a sheet of metal under, me cause i take pain so well...
  12. My school uses wood cut for breaking from TK Corea in NJ...and yes its spelled like that... Different sizes, for different purposes...
  13. My Martial Arts Careers started off bumpy...took a few classes at a school gym and d it. 3 yrs later I came to my current school, as a fat, unatheletic kid... I was interested in Martial Arts and tried my hardest till Brown Senior belt, where I became disgusted, however I wasnt allowed to quit, and was pushed on... I attended the Olympic State Qualifier and made it, thats where change occured I realized I had the gift and I am developing it...That change happened through years of being yelled at and pushed...Brown Sr. for almost 2 yrs...whoa Then after they were sure, I had changed and became dedicated, I was told to teach, help kids push on and on...and now...I teach...help those kids, who arent interested nemore, and pump them up again...
  14. Jhoon Rhee did study under General Choi
  15. Lets remember, what you wear doesn't improve your abilities in any way. My school, you have to wear a white uniform till you are a black belt. Then you can wear a black one. Instructors have 1 red uniform, and demo team a red one. If your on NASKA Teams, or Team America, you need to ask permission to wear a different uniform...
  16. sorry for spelling it wrong, I was debating how to spell it...and being a black belt, doesnt make u an expert.... But sorry for the late reply, the auto mailer got messed up and stopped mailing me...
  17. We started Arnis up again at our school a while ago, and I see it, and SOOO much applies to normal martial arts. So I'm thinking about joining in w/ Kali(Bladed Weapon) like kamas....
  18. JKD was like that...spread rapidly after Bruce Lee's ...
  19. Palwgaes are "better" that Taegeuks, since they are more from the stances, then the Taegeuks... Chil Jang is my Jr. Olympic form, awesome at it...
  20. because the stripe is how the kukkiwon wants it... and yes...i prefer not to wear a belt...but its disrespectful not to wear one, as it signifies the teachings of ur instructors...
  21. Beating you instructor is never wrong, lets him know that he can kick his level w/ u up a notch, he was holding back...and when he does, kick his butt, so he goes all out....
  22. i guess i wanna know how its diff. from otha styles...
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