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Everything posted by TKD

  1. What do ya'll think aobut wearing a shirt or jacket with your schools logo on it. Not the big ATA thing but just a 3-5 inch circle with the schools name.
  2. Tony Danielski teaches Yue-Chuan Kung Fu in Holland Michigan. Does anyone know who he is or anything about him by chance? http://www.familyfitnesscenter.org/taekwondo.htm
  3. What has TKD done for me? Respect Self-Control Friends/Family Balance Self-Defense Knife Control Awareness Flexability Fitness
  4. Thanks for the support guys. I WILL be doing more tournaments in the future. I have learned from my mistake and won't be making that one again. White Warlock-- I have dealt with it by apologizing to him. I have moved on.
  5. I just completed my first competition this weekend. Talk about highs and lows. I start the day off in a circle as the 7th dan goes over the rules. During this time he asks how many first timers are here. About 1/3 to 1/2 were first time tournament attendees. I start my forms out and forgot to bow as I turned toward the board. I did bow when I walked up to them and presented myself. Unfortunately for me I had a 6th dan as the center judge that was discussed that I forgot to bow to the board. He chewed me up and spit me out. Needless to say I was caught off guard and forgot my form completely. I went through the motions but did not perform the correct moves. I was the second of about 12 students competing at my level. So the fist three of us went back up infront of the board to get our scores. Then the 6th dan told everyone that the board earned their belt and that we needed to respect him by bowing to him. I completely understand where he was coming from but his tact was terrible and unprofessional. Two competitors later ....another competitor started their form then stopped......started over to stop....... start over. Then they turned their back to the board and the 6th dan got extremely upset. He yelled at the individual for turning their back to the board. Again this was the person's first and maybe the last tourney they attend. My sparing was right on and I placed second. Came down to sudden death.My first two matches went 3-0 the third match went 3-1 and the last went 2-3
  6. Krunchy, You shouldn't let your guard down at church either. As time passes more and more murders are taking place in the church. People are creatures of habit and going to church is a weekly activity to many Americans. So if an "ex" wants to get back at someone that is a good place for a shooting. They know the individual will be at church at a given time and can easily walk up behind them and take a shot. Many larger churches actually have security these days. Something to thing about.
  7. welcome
  8. As the Subject says I am TKD and study TKD. I am a 7th gup. How ya all doin!!
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