whoahh...what's marmite...arhh i can't imagine life, well breakfast without marmite...it is an amazing creation it's kind of like australians vegemite but much much nicer.....it's the sort of thing you either love or hate..
what is eggnog i've never even seen it let alone tried.....is it an american thing? cos we don't really have it in england..can someone please explain for me as i am a mere humble english lass....
well i don't think this is gross but most people i know do but i love tomato ketchup sandwiches..just bread butter and loads of ketchup umm ummm...... i also like whipped cream and jam on toast....
i thought it was brilliant..not as good as the first one though...it was really long but worth it....do you reckon that they'll make the prequel of the hobbit?
hi..i just reccently started doing karate and i love it but i can really notice how much weaker my left side is than my right i always work out twice more on the left than right but i'm still not as strong...has any one got any tips!! sorry its a pretty dumb question!