I,m far from being a master, but I,ll tell you what I know.In our style, when you spar, they tell you to bow, get in a fighting stance, and as soon as they yell to begin they want you to come of the line flailing.I like to mix up different attacks.Try to explode off the line with a quick, straight punch like Bruce Lee did against Bob Wall in "Enter the dragon".Try to fake high with you next punch, but instead of following through, kick to the groin or torso( we aren't allowed to sweep, maybe you are). Try a punch and kick at the same time.The point of sparring is to let both people gain experience hitting and getting hit. The three best tips I can give you are these;1)Speed-you don't have to be fast, just faster than you opponent.2)DON'T change you facial expression when you attack. Practice this in a mirror. Be able to chew gum and kick butt at the same time and never miss a beat. 3) Hide your attack till the last minute. Keep your spinning backfist and rear kick tight in all the way through as you fire them. Don't **** your arm back before you throw a punch, etc. Just keep practicing and thinking how to get it there quicker and more effectively. Good luck to ya!