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Everything posted by rgovoro

  1. Have you been watching " The Chinese Connection" ? I think that would be pretty cool, but if you gonna run your mouth, or face ten people on their turf , you better hope you have the balls to back it up. Unfortunately, in today's world, you would kick their butts, they would press charges and sue, and you'ld probably end up in jail taking anger management and sensitivity classes
  2. It should say draw where those four**** are
  3. I,m far from being a master, but I,ll tell you what I know.In our style, when you spar, they tell you to bow, get in a fighting stance, and as soon as they yell to begin they want you to come of the line flailing.I like to mix up different attacks.Try to explode off the line with a quick, straight punch like Bruce Lee did against Bob Wall in "Enter the dragon".Try to fake high with you next punch, but instead of following through, kick to the groin or torso( we aren't allowed to sweep, maybe you are). Try a punch and kick at the same time.The point of sparring is to let both people gain experience hitting and getting hit. The three best tips I can give you are these;1)Speed-you don't have to be fast, just faster than you opponent.2)DON'T change you facial expression when you attack. Practice this in a mirror. Be able to chew gum and kick butt at the same time and never miss a beat. 3) Hide your attack till the last minute. Keep your spinning backfist and rear kick tight in all the way through as you fire them. Don't **** your arm back before you throw a punch, etc. Just keep practicing and thinking how to get it there quicker and more effectively. Good luck to ya!
  4. Have you practiced Iron palm? If so, would you part with a few secrets on how one gets started in Iron palm. I study Mong su dom tai chinese karate, and they don't practice it, or I have'nt gotten to that level yet. I found a book called "Kung Fu; History, philosophy, and technique." by David Chow ( producer and creator of the T.V. show Kung fu), and it has conditioning in it. I practice three of the different ones in it; Forearm Kung( whack you forearms against a tree progressivly harder and harder), Iron leg kung( sweeps against a tree or post progressivly harder and harder), and Leaping kung(dig a hole 2 ft. deep, jump in and out of it as much as you can, and little by little dig it deeper and add some weight to your body).I don't have the time to devote to it old school martial artists did, but my vertical leap has gone up to 3-3.5 ft., and I can strike with my forearms and shins with a lot more power than I could in the past.
  5. The countryboy had an appointment to see his doctor about his "sexual disfunction". After he came out of the doctor's office he told his wife he needed to go get a new suit. " A new suit?" she said. "Yes " he replied. " If I'm gonna be impo'tant, I've gotta look impo'tant."
  6. Wow!Sounds like a competant system with a lot of history and knowledge. Where do I sign up?Personally, I prefer chinese soft or internal systems for their sense of mystery. Do you teach or study it
  7. Anyone out there have any experience in actual kickboxing matches. I 've decided to put my training, and myself, to the test and have entered my first full contact kickboxing event.I've fought in freestyle tournaments before, but I have the feeling this will be different.Any training or fight tips will be appreciated.Thanks!
  8. Welcome! If you make it across the pond and end up in the St.Louis area, let me know and I'll train wit'cha. Just be sure to bring me two of those UK hotties.
  9. 25 here
  10. Like anything we do, Karate is a mirror reflecting our souls. A persons personality manifests itself in all they do , and a hard worker will develop admirable skills, and a lazy person will develop sloppy skills. In our system the group lesson is 1 hour long twice a week.When you leave you're drenched in sweat. Also, once a week you get a personal lesson to teach you new techniques. You DO NOT spar with the instructor unless you have a 6th degree black belt or above. EVERYTIME you spar you are remided that everyone in the studio are friends.Karate is about more than brawling and feeling good because you can mop the floor with someone else, it's about control, discipline, and HONOR. As your knowledge progresses, your control should too. Bottom line is you don't go into instructing to get rich, you do it because you want to pass along a gift given to you by a QUALITY sifu, sensi, etc. Find yourself one of those Valn.
  11. everyone has different opinions on pressure points. Some people tell you they think they can use a "death touch", and I've talked to a Kempo instructor who thought that pressure points were worthless. I think you should incorporate them into your techniques but not get lazy and believe they are the ultimate goal of any art. As for my favorite, a senior student in my school was in a fight in egypt when he was depolyed there with the national guard. He used one of sifu's simpler "pressure points", a wheel kick to the back of a guy's leg and knocked him out cold .Thanks!
  12. Hello everyone, allow me to intro myself. I am a 25 year old male who has been interested in martial arts all my life, but only began studying 1 1/2 years ago. I have a purple belt in chinese karate and I'm training for my first amatuer kickboxing match.Subjects of interst are martial arts, weapons, kickboxing , philosophy, polotics, and sports.
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