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  • Martial Art(s)
    tae kwon do

sidekick's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. For you guys in highschool, even if you really don't like school, don't focus so much on getting out of school that you miss out on enjoying life. It's been my experience that when you're wating eagerly for the future, you forget to enjoy the present, and then suddenly find yourself wondering what you were doing back then, and wishing you had taken time to appreciate what you had, even if it wasn't exactly your idea of fun. I'm planning on going to a bible college next fall, but right now I'm here, and I may not see tomorrow, so I might as well make the best of today. I'm sure you "old" guys will agree
  2. How many of you are in school, and what grade, or year for you college kids. I was homeschooled 11 out of 12 years, and I just graduated last spring, I like being our of school How 'bout you guys?
  3. I drive a 1998 Ford contour. It's the 4 cylinder zetec, and it gets great gas mileage, especially if I take it easy. I got 40 miles per gallon on my last tank of gas. Besides I got it for $1600 and I'm the second owner. It did have 117,000 miles, but it runs great so I'm not complaining. The first vehicle I ever bougt was a 1983 honda nighthawk 650, which is alot more fun than a car, but obviously not as practical, so I had to get a car.
  4. sidekick


    Your older sister probably teased you in your crib when you were little. My older sister used to cheat me out of my candy when i was little, women can be sly.
  5. I agree, liability is a fact of life in many places. However, i wasn't meaning i wanted a place where i could beat up and get beat up, i think that if people have enough skill, they should be able to hit each other, at least to some degree. I do not want to get hurt or hurt anyone, but would like a little more......... reality sparring i guess, so the skills i learn will be more usefull. At the dojo i used to go to we sparred alot, and usually without body armor, but they let people spar who had no control, and solved the injury problem by not hitting each other at all. Then we would have high ranks who would always throw techniques from far away and not really try to land them, meaning that you didn't really have to block because you knew it wouldn't hit you anyway. Also it made me wonder if the person could hit someone. It was hard to know, because they never had to.
  6. I think sparring is necessary for developing the ability to practice skills in a realistic manner (as opposed to repititions of kicks and punches on a bag), and i think that light contact is good for learning control, but i also think that it's good to learn to take a hit. But, what annoys me is that the dojo I am now going to makes you wear silly padding on your feet, and some other junk, and i get the impression that you shouldn't hit hard while sparring............ ever. I think it's good to be careful, but people are too worried about getting sued, and they don't ever let you hit hard enough to learn to take a beating. what do y'all think
  7. what type of work or mantenance did/do you do on your bike? I'm finally learning to do some stuff on mine, not that I'm mechanically challenged, it's just that I've never owned a bike or a car before and I'm not used working on 'em. I now can change my oil, spark plugs(hafta take off the tank for two of 'em), and i even shimmed my main carb needles after i put a UNI air filter in. I know that's not really much, but I'm getting better....... slowly
  8. That reminds me of a friend of my dad's. He had a old harley with a suicide shift (this was a long time ago), and he was driving home drunk early in the evening, when he accidently weaved off the road into someone's yard. They were sitting on the porch watching like what heck , while he puts it in reverse, backs out and takes off again.
  9. Man that would not be cool to hit a kangaroo with a motorcycle, around here I have to watch out for deer, I think kangaroos are bigger, but maybe not. I've never been to australia, what are the road laws like, are they very different than america?
  10. Ouch! were you a crazy driver or were you cursed lol. Maybe you were cursed to be a crazy driver.... People keep telling me stuff like "you will wreck or dump your bike, the important thing is not getting hurt when it happens" and "everybody dumps their motorcycle, it just happens..." I know i don't have much experience, but i have never felt out of control on my motorcycle, even pushing it around on uneven ground. Not saying that i couldn't or won't dump it sometime, but people act like it's definately gonna happen, it sort of annoys me.
  11. Sweet bike rig! I like the look of the speed triple too, but i think the daytona is probably my favorite. Riding is definately relaxing, although i haven't ridden alot lately 'cause of the lousy ohio weather. The main thing I like about motorcycles is that they they can be fast and still not guzzle gas like a fast car would. I had about a third or a tank and i filled up for $2.20. Granted i don't have a huge tank, but i can get 100+ miles per tank.
  12. I like motorcycles alot, anyone else? I've got a 1983 honda nighthawk 650, it's my baby........ well... not really Do any of you have motorcycles? Any random thoughts about motorcycles you wanna share?
  13. I ate goat intestines when i lived in Nepal. It really wasn't too bad, except for the fact that it was cooked with too much grease for my liking.
  14. I'm 5' 7". I don't mind being on the short side, except girls are often taller than me, but it's not too bad, it's not like they'll like or dislike you for your height anyway.
  15. I broke my little sister's nose about a year ago. That's the only bone i've ever broken actually. I accidently hit her with a bat. I guess it hurt real bad, and she had to wear a cast for a little while. Never broke my own though.
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