Well, took my son to his second class. We have been doing a little practice every other night to re-enforce. He had a great 2nd class, they did a lot of basic martial arts skills, 5 kids were in the class, one was 6 the other 3 were about 5 and my son who will be 4 in 2 1/2 months. They taught him a roundhouse kick, needed to guide him but he was able to do a basic one. The head instructor told me his front kicks and axe kicks were great and for me to help during the week on the roundhouse. Best thing is, is that he bows when supposed to and is very behaved in class. He is following their directions as they go through drills, its just great. He is a little developmentaly delayed (he was a late talker) so this is just working out great on his motor skills. Another nice thing was that I got to talk to some of the dads in the class and it was nice talking to other parents of toddlers in karate, we all agreed that it was good for them. Thats my update, will update again next week. Have a great thanksgiving all!