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Everything posted by seniormint

  1. Well, took my son to his second class. We have been doing a little practice every other night to re-enforce. He had a great 2nd class, they did a lot of basic martial arts skills, 5 kids were in the class, one was 6 the other 3 were about 5 and my son who will be 4 in 2 1/2 months. They taught him a roundhouse kick, needed to guide him but he was able to do a basic one. The head instructor told me his front kicks and axe kicks were great and for me to help during the week on the roundhouse. Best thing is, is that he bows when supposed to and is very behaved in class. He is following their directions as they go through drills, its just great. He is a little developmentaly delayed (he was a late talker) so this is just working out great on his motor skills. Another nice thing was that I got to talk to some of the dads in the class and it was nice talking to other parents of toddlers in karate, we all agreed that it was good for them. Thats my update, will update again next week. Have a great thanksgiving all!
  2. Unfortunatly for now I can only take him once a week since my wife and I work full time. So we go on saturday, they do recomend 2 days a week but I will see how the next few classes go and then try to find a way to get him into a second day. We do the routine every night to re-enforce what he learned. Stand up at attention, bow, then do some stretching, then get up and practice the basic kick and basic punch. He is liking that at night and it only takes about 15 minutes.
  3. Thanks! I am so relieved now. We are doing the routine each night, a little stretching and standing at attention just to re-inforce it so he remembers next saturday... I'll update again after his next class..
  4. Well, here is my update, my son loved it, The kids stood at attention (about 4 of them including my son), then did a little stretching, touching toes and counting to 10, they practiced some very basic punches and kicks, basically just a simple punch and front kick to the bag. Then they ran an obsticale course. In the beggining of the class they say the pledge of allegance to the flag also and at the end they have a saying about courage and other stuff. It was real great. He was definalty the youngest their, he is a little over 3 1/2 and the other kids were about 5. he did super though, he got the basic kick and punch and was making a fist when practicing the punches! I am so happy!
  5. I agree that starting you're own Martial Arts club on campus would be great! You would get teaching expierence, get to see the hi's an lows of running that kinds of operation and maybe build up a future client set. Study business so if you ever plan to open a DOJO you can handle the busniess aspect of it, rent, purchasing equipment,getting members to pay etc.... Good luck, looks like you have what it takes already so I say go for it man!
  6. thanks for the welcome everyone. I would like to get back into it so if my son has fun and we keep going I might sign up at that school as well. You lived in jersey? Where at?
  7. I will definatly sign up at the same school if I decide to do it. I believe their will be 2 instructors for the class, since it is his first day they will probably have one just for him. Not only the karate part is inlvolved but a lot of "gym class" like stuff. Being only a 1/2 hour class its going to be very low key and light but at least exposure to karate which I want. They said that the "real" kids karate programs start at age 6 and if he has been in the toddler one then he will have an easier time. I think they even mentioned trying to do situps and pushups, he loves doing push ups so all this I am hoping makes for a fun time for him. I expect some bad days but thats normal, I will just be happy if he does ok tommorow, if not I'll try again but I am thinking possitive and keeping him excited to. Plus I know he will like wearing the uniform and belt. Pretty funny but hey if it helps then what the heck! Thanks for your input stl_karateka, I'll fill you all in tommorow when we get done. Wish us luck!
  8. I called a few schools and the toddler programs start at 3. I agree its kinda young but if they get exposed to it and have fun then thats all I am looking for, looks like between 4-8 kids might be in the class. Yes I would like to get back into it also, not yet but if my son enjoys it and we go every saturday I may sign up at that same school. I got to my blue belt before I stopped, would have been going for my brown belt if I continued. I think you are correct on them focusing on balance and concentration. The instructor told me they would be running through cones and maybe teach jumping jacks. I did a basic block move with my son and he loved it and does it if I ask so I hope they do some very basic moves.
  9. Well I am going to start my son tommorow in the toddler class. Hopefully he will like it and not hate going as I really want him to like it. He loves gym class at his pre-school and loves balls and mats and all the fun stuff like that. The instructer I spoke with said that is how they start, they reallty try and make it fun for them. Anyone have any advice/similar experiences? I would love to here them. Must admit I am nervous about the first day...
  10. Hello, newbie here. I took karate about 8 years ago and am now going to try and get my 3 1/2 year old son into it. Tommorow (sat) will be his first class in the tots class. Hope to get great info from this board as well as share info. Thanks everyone and have a great day!
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