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MunkyBoy's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. what r these ???
  2. u think this is good? i just did 5 sets of as much push ups as i can do. first set i managed to do 41. then, i took a rest for 41x2 seconds. after 82 seconds i tried again. it became fewer and fewer and i always took a rest of push ups x2 seconds in betweed. tomorow i'll have a terrible ache in my muslces, but that wont be so bad... when the pain is over (after maybe 2 or 3 days) i will do the same routine again. do you think this is a good idea, or should i rather do pushups every day, but not my maximum?
  3. hello all! much of the discussion around here concerning how well arts are suited for certain issues mainly regard fighting against other artists of specific kinds (such as strikers, grapplers etc...). i do not fear to get into trouble with a pro wrestler or a karate master or whatever... what i want is to be safe from the threats of a western street -> muggers and dudes that do not know what to do with their time so lest beat up some dude. so what art would you recommend for such issue. what the art should have: roughly cover all/many ranges of fighting (a throw or two would be good plus elbowing, strikes and such). it should not take a life time like certain kung fu styles. i am not full of prejudices like "traditional arts suck" (or "modern arts suck") so any advice will be ok. since i am a so called intellectual person (going to university soon and becoming academic and stuff) i dont want to do an art that includes getting beaten up during class like hits on the head and such... hope you can help me out...
  4. hello guys. is arnis well for self defense? i heard good things as well as bad things about it... it would be cool if you could tell me something about this style. everything helps!
  5. icetuete was talking to kensai because icetuete thought kensai thought icetuete would insult drunken monkey and brits, while icetuete thought drunken monkey knew that icetuete didnt mean to. i think you get my point and icetuete's
  6. this was not meant to be a "tkd is crap"-thread. if you dont think that TKD would be good for my purpose you are welcome to state your thoughts on my problem. i dont want this thread to be closed because i really need to advice here... would make my life a lot easier. thanks.
  7. i was not talking about "just wanting to fight". standing in the ring is the last i want. i meant fight in the street sense and not the ring sense.
  8. hey ya, my goal in the arts is to be able to defend myself against 1-3 unarmed or hopefully poorly armed opponents, in case i get into trouble. i dont look for a religion and i dont have 20 years to be able to defend myself against whatever. i dont have anything against complex stuff, but it shouldnt take a life time to be effective. i dont mind if its fancy stuff or something as long as it is effective. oh, and a good bodyfitness should come along. which art would you personaly suggest: Judo, DjuSu, Shaolin Kempo, Taekwondo, Shaolin Kung Fu, Aikido, Western Boxing, Chinese Boxing, Filipino Kickboxing, Shotokan Karate, Kickboxing, Ninjutsu, Kung Fu Kian, JiuJutsu, Vo Dao Viet Nam, Wing Tsun (Leung Ting), Ryu Kempo Karate, Escrima, Mantis Kung Fu, Hung Gar Kung Fu... i think that was basically what i have in reach.
  9. so they are crap? they dont make you punch harder? it'd be better to just hold a tennisball in your hand and press it?
  10. and in howfar can a tennis ball be a substitute? do you just take the ball in your hands an press together, let loose, press again, let it... etc??
  11. are you talking about either weighted gi or not weighted?
  12. how does this work? inhowfar do they provide stronger hands? do you punch harder when using them? and inhowfar can you train with a tennis ball?
  13. actually i somehow cant laugh about this...
  14. do training gadgets suck perse or why doesnt anybody even LOOK at my thread?
  15. hey there - christmas is coming and i dont know what to write on my wishlist and i thought i might need some machine that helps me in training. is there any training machine that you have made good experiences with? something that helps me develope good kicks/punches would be great, and at a not so high price of possible a link to a picture + prescription would be ok. or your personal experiences would be even better. thanks in advance.
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