hey ya, my goal in the arts is to be able to defend myself against 1-3 unarmed or hopefully poorly armed opponents, in case i get into trouble. i dont look for a religion and i dont have 20 years to be able to defend myself against whatever. i dont have anything against complex stuff, but it shouldnt take a life time to be effective. i dont mind if its fancy stuff or something as long as it is effective. oh, and a good bodyfitness should come along. which art would you personaly suggest: Judo, DjuSu, Shaolin Kempo, Taekwondo, Shaolin Kung Fu, Aikido, Western Boxing, Chinese Boxing, Filipino Kickboxing, Shotokan Karate, Kickboxing, Ninjutsu, Kung Fu Kian, JiuJutsu, Vo Dao Viet Nam, Wing Tsun (Leung Ting), Ryu Kempo Karate, Escrima, Mantis Kung Fu, Hung Gar Kung Fu... i think that was basically what i have in reach.