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  • Martial Art(s)
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  • Interests
    TKD, Hiking, Hunting

Thruhiker's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)

  1. I am curious if anyone has sore feet due to martial arts. I have been a practitioner of MA for quite some time and the pads of my feet just throb day in and day out. They hurt the most when there isn't any weight on them. The pain is not excruciating just annoying. I would be curious to hear if others have/had the same issue. If so have you done anything about it? What was it that you did and was it affective? Thank you for your time
  2. Plyo moves: Jump Squats: with feet parrall to each other, squat down ( as low as possible) and spring into the air as high as you can go. Do this for abut 30 sec You may also add the arms by stretching to the sky. (really reaching) Jump knee tucks: hold your arms infront of you and jump into the air raising your knees so they touch the palms of your hands. 30 secs repeat twice
  3. Is it possible for you to add more of what you are lifting to get more weight or are the items to bulky?
  4. Ha? One more year to get your second degree and your are currently working towards your third. What kind of operation are you working out at? So are you at the start of your fourth as well?
  5. I agree with White Tiger. visualize yourself breaking the boards and also try some breathing techniques to slow the heart rate and focus. Focus on your technique. Visualize your hips rotating on the kick and see your wrist twisting on the punch. Then attack those boards and make them splinters. There just boards!! Visualize your technique on the other side of the broken boards. Don't proceed until your mind is ready. Blast them!!
  6. niel0092--which style are you testing for this weekend? You've listed 3 Styles: TKD, Kali, and judo
  7. I have to say that Koryo is definitely my favorite form. It flows so nice. It has to be one of the most fluid forms I have seen performed. At this rank you should be able to picture your opponent and strike with confidence and accuracy will all your moves. Your elbows should be hitting their targets as well as your side kicks. You should be able to visualize the knee brakes and the blocks. Enjoy the form and really get into it. I have been working on Basai for a few months now and think it's an OK form, but nothing like Koryo. Koryo is by far my best form.
  8. I think you are on a snipe hunt.
  9. WOW!! Theadric that is one expensive school. I added up your belt testing and it will cost you $915 to get to Black and an additional $500 on top of that. Which brings your total to $1415 just for testing fees. How much is your monthly fee? What is your testing cycle (months between belts)? I will have my BB shortly and have spent $240 total for all my training and testings. Not including gi, sparring gear, etc.
  10. Thank you all for your replies, these are great ideas. White Warlock, I especially like your analogy of the eye blinking. That really hits home on how our body works and how repetition can affect our speed.
  11. Here is a bag that Century (centuryfitness.com) offers to put around their wavemaster http://www.centuryfitness.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10051&storeId=10051&productId=10678&langId=-1&product_parentId=13513&crumb=13501&categoryId=13513&parent_category_rn=13518
  12. I am looking for some drills that would enhance the speed in which I deliver my punches and kicks.
  13. Here are some that are in your area http://www.google.com/local?hl=en&lr=&q=martial+arts&near=Beckley,+WV&sa=X&oi=localr Ask GZ-Nos http://www.sherdog.net/forums/member.php?s=36371189b512ba7088221aa93e8f3a10&userid=38161k
  14. Try a google search. http://www.hwarang.org/Contemporary.html http://www.dojangweb.com/moosulkwan.asp http://www.martialartsplanet.com/magazine/styles/hapkido2.htm little different? http://www.worldchangmookwan.com/ I see a lot of reference to Moo-Hapkido in my search Hapkido Family Tree Kim Moo Woong Founder of Shin Moo Kwan Hapkido. Chin Il Chang 9th Dan. Yu-Un-Son. Choi-Bong-ll ... Won, Kwang-Wha Moo Sool Kwan Hapkido. Dr. Kimm, He-Young ... (see link below) http://www.sinmoohapkido.be/Hapkido%20Family%20Tree.htm
  15. I quoted you above saying that if someone doesn't kick very much it's not TKD. The last I knew Tae Kwon Do means the way of the Hand and Foot. Not everyone will take the easy road to score points. One may set you up by using their hands and then finish you with the foot unexpectedly. This gives a lot more dimension to the sparring game.
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