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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Goshin Jutsu; Yamanni Ryu
  • Location
    Rochester, NY
  • Interests
    Karate; exercising; hiking
  • Occupation
    Desktop Support
  • Website

RobinT830's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. I am interested in this for future too. I teach in a gym at a University. That way I do not have too much overhead, and I have the backing of the University. We have a nice facility with full locker rooms. I plan on opening a facility or assisting a friend of mine and moving my students over, but that probably won't be for at least a year or so. I have 15 students now and have been operating for 2 years. It is slow going... so if anyone has any good tips on how to grow, it is much appreciated... Thanks!
  2. Well, I have been teaching for about 4 years now and I love it. I teach because: 1. I want to share what I have learned with others through MA. 2. My techniques get better since I have to break it down for teaching. 3. I learn alot from my students.
  3. Hey Laurie,,, I actually live on the east side, near Victor.... What dojo are you training at? Would I be able to visit? Robin
  4. Thanks for your replies. I will make an announcement when he is in class. At the dojo where I train, we actually had a guy that smelled so bad, that some of us actually threw up after class. Very offensive!
  5. Thanks Telsun and Gino.... I will ask her for more specifics, but I don't think they have found a place to live yet. What is the B.K.K. website address?? Telsun--you train in Goju Ryu? I would love to train in that style. As far as I know, there is not any good schools or clubs here in Rochester,NY.. If you know of any,,, let me know
  6. Laurie, I want to train with you....I like that You are in NY right,,,, What area?
  7. I know this is an older topic, but my BB cycle lasts 3 months up to a 3 day test. We have to have a candidate meeting once per week, which we did a number of things from basics, all kata, sparring, self-defense, bag work, running, pushups, situps, role playing... During this cycle for one month, we were requied to take three classes in a row one time per week. I had to keep a food and exercise log to turn into my Sensei once per month, or whenever she wanted it. We had to run at least 3 miles, three times a week to get ready to pass the running test, which is 3 miles in 25 minutes or less. (age and physical limitations are taken into consideration). During the test, we have vocabulary, knife, gun, club, chain, grabs from behind and front, kata and spar 10 rounds with 25 situps and 25 pushups in between each round (that is after about 100 of each during the conditioning and warm-up of the class ). We have a community service project we have to do as a team as well. Each one is different. Testing for my Shodan was the hardest thing I have had to do in my life so far.
  8. Has anyone out there experienced a problem with a students hygiene? I have a slight issue... I have a larger student, that is clean and his gi is clean,,, but when he starts working out,,,, the odor is unbearable and I have had several students complain about it. They do not want to work with him as a partner. Has anyone had this situation??
  9. Yes, I train in open and weapons on tuesday, open on Wednesday, friday and saturday (saturdays have been hit and miss due to horseback riding lessons in the a.m.)
  10. I have 15 adult students in my class, but my Sensei has about 230, including adult, Jr and ranger levels. She is a 4th dan.
  11. stuart - so you are white belt testing for a new rank? Anyway, I remember being very nervous for mine. It was physically challenging. I had to do all the basic techniques, and the two kata's that I knew. Also, we have definitions that we have to know per each rank, and we were asked to recite this as we went up to receive our belt. We had to spar 3 rounds with 25 pushups and 25 situps in between. We usually ended up doing about 125 pushups and 125 situps. Good Luck and have fun!
  12. The side snap kick is a little faster than the thrust, cause you lock your kick out there for a second or so before rechambering, more of a breaking or finishing technique. We practice both in our dojo, except we usually do not use the side thrust in sparring. I like to use the side snap kick to keep my opponent away, or to pop them when they come charging in. We have some karateka that use this kick very effectively, offensive or defensive. I have never used the jamming kick, do you make contact with a part of the leg for this??
  13. Hi, I teach Goshin Jutsu style of karate and one of my students is moving to Londan in April 2004. She wants to continue training so I am looking for karate schools over there. Can anyone out there give me some names, addresses, phone numbers?? Thanks.
  14. Sai, That is a wonderful story, I have the highest regards for you. My mother-in-law has MS and is restricted to a motorized scooter. You are an inspiration.
  15. That is great that some others know a bit about the system. Our Sensei is Nishime Sensei out of Ohio. He is coming to our dojo in about three weeks for more teaching and possible rank testing for a few. I really enjoy the weapons part of my training. I do 7 bo kata and 4 sai kata from the system. Sakagowa is the latest kata I am working on.
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