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Personal Information

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  • Interests
    martial arts
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Henning's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Hi thanks for all of your good advices. more training?: i would like to but i dont have the time. more cardio: i usually run for at leat 15km and sometimes more (up to 25 or even 30km) so i think that it is enough. (i used to run three times a week, but took up too much time) could you give details about the weight lifting: how can it support building up speed? (i am awefully slow) mfg.
  2. Hi I train karate (shotokan) three times a week,go jogging twice a week and lift weights once a week. I would like to know what you think about that? shoudl any other training besides karate be done to support karate at all? if so how frequently should it be done. let me know what you think. cu
  3. Hi everybody. I really like this forum, it's great. So i decided to register. well here i am. I started karate in the us (san chi ryu) and really enjoyed it. in germany i train shotokan for 1 and a half year now and like it as well. looking forward to using the forum. cu-
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