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Everything posted by mskickerusa

  1. I tend to not hit hard enough during dparring drills, (i like to be nice, i know...). When we practice throat strikes, we usually practice by hitting the chest plkate so that it doesnt hurt the person. I hadnt been hitting very hard and he was telling me to be stronger, and on my next one, i hit really hard and my hand hit the chest plate and slid right into his throat. He was coughing and teying to tell me it was the best throat stike he had ever seen me do. IT was kinda funny, luckily he is good tempered and wasnt mad!!!
  2. mine is kinda boring, i am female MS i am a martial artist KICKER I am from the United states USA Not very exciting is it??
  3. one of my instructors is from mexico and has a pretty strong accent. Whenever he is saying Axe-Kick, it comes out os A$$ kick
  4. I understand not breaching the instructor student wall, buit what about 2 students. I was dating one of my fellow students for a while. While i would never think about any of teh kids i teach that way (well, they are only 6) i dont think student relation ships ae wrong. Any one have feelings on this?
  5. While i am not anymore qualified as a doctor, i think i do have some ideas. Having an LD can affect the students differently depending on what LD the child has. Some of the kids i teach (i am actually only an asistant) have LD, but are able to focus perfectly. ADHD, while not exactly being an LD, is the biggest problem we have with our young kids. When kids are having trouble focusing, we often mention it to parents, which hopefully means they will look into it. I am 15, and i have ADHD, but i try to focus on my TKD as much as possible. When i find my self "wandering off" i just tell myself that i need to focus. Trying to nicely but surely remind to kids what they need to do usually works well for me.
  6. with our little kids classes, we do varitaions on the obstacle course tha was previously described. My favirte game to do with them is when there are 6 or more students, put them all in a circle. One instructor stands in the middle with some kind of pad or bag, we use century Blastmasters, and hold the bag infront of one kid. They have to do some kind of kick, and once they do, the instructor turns to a new kid. Going in a random order keeps the kids on their feet and every one gets a few laughs.
  7. That would eb awesome, but i doubt it!! good luck on getting it for your test though
  8. Thanks, i feel more prepared now. I should have tested by now, but we had some issues with our studio adn it got pushed back a few weeks. I guess you guys are right, it is all mental nd i wouldnt be testing if i wasnt ready. Thanks adn GL to all of the other soon to be testers
  9. I said this before and i will sayt it again, as long as they are mentally capable, TKD is acceptable for any age. We have some 5 yearolds who are amazing and can remember forms for weeks. also, some kids can't even tell their left from their right. Those kids should not be in our classes and they make clases dificult, but i really enjoy teaching the kids that can handle it. I am only 15 and about to test for my first degree black belt, but i am just as capable as some of the adults that are the same rank as me. Age is of no importance in a TKD studio
  10. I am testing for my First Degree black belt in a few weeks adn i am kind of nervous. I am 15 and have been doing Tae Kwon Do for 6.5 years. I know that i have ot spar and break boards, along with doing all of my forms adn kicks, but i was told i have some surprises coming. Has anyone else been told this?? I am curious what some oter "surprises" have been. I know that i will not be able ot find out exactly what is coming, but being slightly prepared would be nice. Thanks to all of you!! Lauren
  11. when i reached the age of 13 and the rank of browm belt, i started takingadult classes. I am now 15 and a black belt. at first, the adults were really weird around me and arfaid to go hard on me. now, many of them say i am their favorite sparring partner becasue i am willing to try new things. when i am paired with an adult who is new to the class and they go gently, i just say "hey, just becasue i;m a kid, doesnt mean i ant take what ever youve got" this usually makes them laugh and realize i am just as good as them.
  12. as long as a child is mentally and physically ready for a black belt, then they deserve it. a Black belt is not given, it is earned and if a 10 year old is able to accomplish all that is needed, then he or she deserves the belt.
  13. Tae kwon do has given me a ton. a bunch of new friends confidence respect leadership skill flexibility and a heck of a lot of other things
  14. we wear white uniforms until we reach the rank of purple belt, aned then you move on to a black one. it is considered and honor to get the black uniform. Now that i am a black belt, i have 1 white one and one balck one. i do not agree with the people who have pink or blue etc. uniforms, but some variation is okay. also, our 4-8 year old class wears the "Lil' Dragon" uniforms from Cerntury. i think that what you wear should not determine how others see you.
  15. for me, it was a month or 2 for white thru orange belts and then 3-5 months until blue belt. I had my blue, and brown belts for a year each. i had my red belt for 16 months before i got my deputy black belt.
  16. although i am only goping for my deputy black, i am not allowed to pick what i am going to do. probably and axe kick, a knife hand and something else
  17. thanks, i have trouble breaking bmultiple boards becsue i always freak out. these techniques will help me even though i anm not doing cinder blocks.......yet
  18. i like real wood boards even though they are expensive. the rebreakable ones wear dowm in a month or less with constant use. also, the rebreakable boards are very difficult for young children becasue we have some kids who are only 5. i ldefinetly would go with the wood boards.
  19. i always used to spar with my back foot until i learned tha this was to predictable. i now use my front foot and win a lot more. my favorite kick is the front leg side kick straight into a reverse back kick. hope this helps
  20. i always used to spar with my back foot until i learned tha this was to predictable. i now use my front foot and win a lot more. my favorite kick is the front leg side kick straight into a reverse back kick. hope this helps
  21. it should not take to long for u to get your next belt. at my studio, it could be anywher from 2-7 months. i am a red belt and have been for a year and a half and the time between belts usually increases as you progress.
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