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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    JKD-FMA-Aikido-Judo-Silat-TKD-Savat-Self Defense and Awareness-Saber Fencing-Gun and Knife Defense

WomanInBlack's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. I took a look at your profile and took particular interest in reading your previous threads. I noticed a lapse of a few there
  2. Believe it or not I do have a friend that does form of "snake fist" which is merely Shaolin kung fu, which unlike you describe, is after the striking head of the snake. The style that my friend does is called Chen Snake Fist Kung Fu Want to see a good movie Gilbert watch This is Kung Fu with Jet Li as a little tike, you will also get a look at practically all the styles of kung fu. W Have an exciting evening won't you?
  3. I see you've been away for a bit thaiboxerken. Now you have something to hold up those pants of yours.
  4. Wow.... it's been a long long time Ken. What has brought you back to KF??
  5. The statement that most fights end up on the ground is somewhat misleading. It would be more accurate to say that most fights end up in the grapple. This usually is the "standing clinch" and, is the reason why so many fights DO end up on the ground. Personally I feel most fights go to the ground is because you (or the other person) don’t really know how to fight. Adrenal rush sets in and strikes are flailing about ineffectively. Eventually a clinch ensues because nothing else is working. These inept grappling matches often end up on the ground due to the force of gravity more than anything else. A basic knowledge of ground fighting skills is important. How to get someone off of you, to locate and attack vulnerable areas, and to get up and out of there as soon as possible (RUN) should be learned and practiced.
  6. I keep a file cabinet. I have manilla folders all labeled wherein I put jotted down info whether it be new techniques I've learned or an article I've torn out of my roomates magazine on self defense and even some print outs of forum advice.
  7. I have to agree with the guy above me
  8. Nobody here can honestly give an opinion until you are an owner of a firearm and have been instructed on to properly "use" said firearm. That doesn't mean how to point and shoot and load etc etc. but also your gunfighting instruction will take into account various scenarios. Most people have a difficult time actually pointing their firearm at an individual. This validates Lt. Col. David Grossman’s theories concerning a predisposed trait inbred in humans which preserves life vs. taking life. Your first move is to communicate with the assailant. Try to reason with him but do not demand that they"show their hands" which invites the them to make the first move putting you at a huge disadvantage.
  9. I think you should learn to use it. These types of swords are not toys and it would be a waste of money unless you decide to purchase decorative swords in which you set out and display.
  10. Sure anyone can spew out some links. What all of you failed to note is that Icetuete is "just starting out" on his running workout and thus is most probably tackling his workout in the wrong manner. Ad RedJ posted a pre-warm-up is crucial but most importantly is a warm down. It could possibly be a case of shin splints in which you can look up all those links that were suggested above.
  11. Who were the winners in 2002? Do you have them posted anywhere?
  12. SQUATS and BOOTSTRAPPERS!!!!!! Check out Scrapper's web site... he is a moderator on the strength & conditioning forum on a Mixed Martial Arts forum I belong to https://www.trainforstrength.com
  13. I've purchased from airsplat.com and have used several of the cheaper models (spring airsoft model) for training purposes.
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