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  • Martial Art(s)
    ATA Taekwondo
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whitematt's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. What is the point of training in two different (but somewhat similar) styles at the same time? Each school will have their own form sets and curriculum they will expect you to learn and practice. You will spend a lot of time spinning your wheels.
  2. Wear a cup when sparring - no exception! What happens on #11 when something is permanently damaged?
  3. Definitely wrong - and to be frank I have an issue with young children holding pads for each other in the first place. If you need padholders, ask mom and dad to come out on the floor. If you decide to leave, you need to be clear to the instructor that this is the reason. He needs to understand that improper actions cost him students.
  4. It is a tough thing for people to do. Kids seem better about it than teens and adults. Try doing it with her. Tell her on the count of 3, you are both going to ki-hap. Do it a few times together, and then count to 3 and let it her do it on her own (don't tell her.) You could also try having her yell a word, something like "Hey!" For example you grab or push her, and she defends and yells "Hey!" at the same time. That can be easier for some people than a traditional ki-hap. One thing I should add - ask your instructor how they would handle it.
  5. Kids this age need a fast-paced class with small blocks of information. You can barely expect them to stand still, let alone stay in a proper stance for any length of time. If you want them to stay in a stance, make it fun. Tell them front stance for a ten count, then have them count with you. Then switch. This teaches basic counting, a stance, and right versus left. And if all else fails, have them sit when you give them instructions. Sit down, quickly tell them what they are going to do, then have them jump back up (saying "yes sir" or "yes ma'am!") Good luck!
  6. CPR training is required, but not basic first aid. All of our instructors are CPR-certified (per ATA requirements). I have taken the Red Cross first aid course, and one of my instructors is a trauma nurse. We have had a few accidents over the years, so it is nice to be prepared.
  7. Core strength. Most people automatically assume that strong legs are the secret to a great kick. While that definitely comes into play, the core of the body (abs/lower back) is key to great kicks, strong strikes and balance. But I would never just train one part of my body, or even focus more on one part. Martial arts teaches balance, apply that to your weight training as well and train your whole body.
  8. #1 thing to know - their name! When a new student comes to class and you address them by their name, they feel that they belong and that they are important. If you want to retain your students, you need to know who they are. Matt
  9. While I am not a big fan of them, a lot of people have great success with "phone scripts." Basically write out how you will answer the phone, note the most FAQ's with information on how to answer, and determine what your goal is. Do you just want to provide information? Do you want to get them in the door for an intro class? The trick is to make this sound natural, otherwise it will sound like a telemarketing pitch - and no one likes that. Matt
  10. I actually did this on a Mac with a program called iWeb. It's pretty straight-forward, and worked really well. It does have some limitations, but nothing I wasn't able to live with. Matt White
  11. Talk to him, tell you found the same shoe for half, and ask if he can give you a better price.
  12. I used a template approach for my site. A bit of modification here and there, and it didn't turn out too bad. https://www.pellamartialarts.com
  13. I have not heard anyone, from ATA HQ to other ATA school owners, state that we are now required to offer the XMA curriculum. Matt
  14. I'm curious to see the fitness requirements you're referring to. I'm wondering if they are not the same suggestions that came out as work-out tips from CM Clark.
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