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Rockuman's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Wow. The main, average age around here seems to be 30. There's not as many people my age interested in Martial Arts as I thought (or, once again, at least not to the point to go to a forum about it). Ah well, I definitely learned something. =]
  2. I know that my MA school is mainly filled with people still in school, (including me), but I'm curious as to how many people like it so much to the point that they'd register to a forum based on it. As for me, I'm 15. And sorry if this poll's been done before, but I didn't see anything on the main page, nor did I find anything in a search, so I figured what the heck... =]
  3. I do some sprite art, and pencil-to-scanner-to-computer coloring art. You can see my stuff at http://rokkuman.deviantart.com
  4. The three-inch/one-inch punch sounds about right, but it seems that most schools.... none of the schools I've gone to actually teach the stuff behind it. You can work at a full punch, and be able to break a moutain, but you still might not have the mechanics for a short-distance punch. I've been training myself, and I think I'm making progress (though I don't think I'll be blowing out any matches any time soon), but I'm just wondering if there's a way to go without reinventing the wheel, which I actually don't have much of a problem with doing.
  5. What category of Martial Arts would contain what trains people to be able to blow matches out by moving their fist at high speeds for only inches?
  6. Whoooooooah now, I'm not planning to go Barbie Dress-up on it or anything. Basically, all I had in mind was perhaps stitching a stripe of a different color to go along the perimeter of the "tabbard" thing, and perhaps on the sleeves\shoulders of it as well. I wouldn't necessarily let things get out of hand. And Shorinryu Sensei, that's definitely true, but you'd need an instructor first, in order to ask him.
  7. I'm just a bit curious, is there a rule that says you can't sew little additions to your uniforms, like a stripe on the sleeves, or a logo, or anything like that, mainly speaking about Tae Kwon Do? I notice that different schools often have different uniforms anyway, but are you allowed to modify it in any way? Yeah, It's pretty late here...
  9. I'm in the process of learning it, but I don't have enough actual vocabulary to speak the language well yet. I can tell when a word is a verb or adjective, however. As for reading it, I'm a bit stuck in that department. I can read Hiragana and Katakana just fine, but of couse, Kanji is where I'm stuck. But hey, if anyone on this site actually knows it well, I'm always looking for someone to help me out.
  10. Well, I suppose the organization I'm gonna be a part of is USTU, and I'll be planning on going to Juniors. And the U.S. Junior Olympic Tae Kwon Do Championship looks like the one I'll be going to.
  11. I haven't been to one myself. Almost did two years ago, but didn't make it somehow, but I plan on going this year, and will be getting into a club in about two weeks. The only problem is, I don't know anything about it besides it's a tournament. Does anyone know where it's going to be, when it's going to be, and what kind of rules are in it?
  12. The trampoline's even worse for me, actually. Because now I'm afraid of landing on my neck, and having my body twist off it in some weird, and fatal way. At least if I were to land on the ground, it would just hurt. Not kill me. That probably makes no sense. But hey, not many things do.
  13. Thanks, Seven-Star. I guess I'll look around for some place for me to safely practice it. Or maybe I'll just group a bunch of pillows together in my living room. Taku: When you're doing a front flip, it's kinda like Seven-Star said about backflipping. Your priority should be getting air, and making sure you have time to complete the rotation, rather than trying to spin faster or something.
  14. Okay, I consider myself acrobatic enough... I can do a front-flip, side flip, heck, maybe I could flip diagonally backwards as long as my head's looking at where I'm going, but for some reason, I just can't get a backflip off. I'm very confident that I CAN do one, but I just can't convince my body to try it and that it won't get hurt. This is probably more of a mentality thing than an actual physical thing. So I'm wondering, those of you that can do them, how did you bring yourself to actually attempting them?
  15. Hey. I've actually been here before, however, I don't think I've actually posted here for nearly a year, so I've pretty much forgotten everything I had having to do with this site. But I'm interested in coming back and hopefully becoming more active. Anyways, a little bit about me. I'm 15 years old, Live in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, and am a sprite artist-the avatar's done by me.. I take Tae Kwon Do, but the way I actually fight is a mixture of other styles, and what I've picked up on the way. I've been doing martial arts for a long time, but I've only just recently become involved with martial arts clubs and stuff. There's a few stuff I'm into too, like linguistics (French, Spanish, Japanese), video games, running, and programming, but I don't really have that much to say about them. Anywho, look forward to meeting people. EDIT: Oh crap... I'm still a white-belt rank. -_-
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