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Everything posted by TLynn03

  1. Ill be taking my first test at the end of the month. I go to a branch school so Ill be traveling to the main school to test. We re expected to do 3 forms weve been working on , some one step sparring techniques , speak a lil korean , and break a board . Wish me luck
  2. wingchunner that would be great but we are still a great distance away what did you have in mind
  3. all the bloodsport movies I also got a martial art super pack dvd really cheap at walmart with a few bruce lee movies
  4. thanks white warlock I think I found a shaolin school I wanna check out wish me luck
  5. Just as I said before the problem is that there is no instructor in my area.It is impossible for me to learn an internal art unless I drive for bout 4 or 5 hours and thats totally unreasonable. The only way I can even touch on it would be to read and study. anyways I do know a few ppl who would like to do arts but just dont have the extra money. It does happen
  6. I really want to learn a chinese art. Ive dabbled a little in different arts but the true art for me seems to be some form of kung fu. Ive seen wing chun a little here and there and am amazed by it. The only problem is I cant seem to find a school in west virginia. There are shaolin schools though about an hour away. could anyone notify me of a wing chun school nearby or tell me alittle about shaolin .thanks
  7. Ill just add what I heard from a teacher in sunday school you get hit on one side so you turn the other cheek...If they hit that one too you have no other cheeks to turn lol
  8. Im still a student too school sux lol
  9. aefibird I am really interested in tai chi forms but I cant seem to find an instructor in my region.
  10. I picked learn how to protect myself but the most appealing thing to me was actually Art in martial arts . It can give you a beautiful self awareness and wonderful way of life. And then you can beat up on someone lol jus kiddin bout that las part
  11. I was jus wondering if anyone has any myths or comments on low carb diet.I know its not good for training but since im off right now would it be a good method?I also heard that the weight you lose on the diet was just water.
  12. wingchunner I may be interested in the distance classes. How do the classes work
  13. Im interested in beginning an internal art. Could an internal art be beneficial if only learned from a book or video?Im really curious about liu he ba fa but I really dont know that much about it or where it came from could someone fill me in?thanks
  14. hey I jus started sparring and Im having a little bit of trouble on developing some combos.I really dont know much yet so the other combo topics dont help much. Ive learned basic punches and as far as kicks go I just know how to do roundhouse, side, front, and back kicks. So if u hve any suggestions please help thanks
  15. actually grappling never felt awkward. Ive looked up a few combos and practiced them but now were not having class for while cause the instructors out of town. so looks like itll be a few weeks till I get to spar off again
  16. thanx guys. I think my main problem is that I dont have any combos yet.It was jus really depressing that I sucked at sparring because grappling came so natural. Im getting ready to spar again in a few days so wish me luck.thanx
  17. Im an excellent grappler but I really need help in sparring .I just started on it last night and I feel like I cant do anything because they will block it. If anyone has any tips at all please help.I havent learned any combinations so those could help too ! thanx
  18. I finally started in a martial arts class. Ive been going for two weeks now and love it but I have one question. Our instructor teaches multiple arts to us. We jus kinda touch on everything lol So is this a good thing or is it better to focus on one art since im a beginner??
  19. pacificshore--- how did you find all those places ??ive looked online everywhere and had no such luck lol g95 -- thanks, Ill definitely be checking out the harless center
  20. Im 18 female who has always wanted to study martial arts. Im ready to begin now but am having problems about choosing where to go. I am originally from logan but commute to beckley from time to time. So anywhere in those areas or in southern wv is fine. Any information you can provide about getting started will help thanks!
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