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Everything posted by kataman

  1. Harai-goshi for me to it quick
  2. hip throw simple and effective
  3. Et bien si tu me parle asser longtemps je pourrai me fair une bonne idée sur toi.Je suis comme Yoda dans Star War a ma seul opignion je me fis pour dire si quelqu'un est dégoutant ou non
  4. I would say a multiple invisible opponents,In kata you have all the riches of katate all the moves, all the secrets. A lot of self defence moves within the kata. Fighting: pin point fighing is more in a way like touch football the faster the better There is some karate techniques use in fighting,but not as much as in katas (of curse).
  5. Tres bien ton francais mais comme les arts martiaux tu dois le pratiquer si tu veut envois moi un message privé et nous pourrons bavarder ensemble.Moi je demeure a Gatineau tout juste de l"autre coté de la riviere en face d'Ottawa et je pratique le karate shotokan. a bientot
  6. Pa mal pour un francais d'Hawaii.Si tu veut tu peux m'ecrire un mot dans un message privé sois en francais or in english on pouraient parlé plus longuement
  7. Yes I hearded that to,the DO meaning the way give a more spirituel sense.
  8. I do a lot of tournements call traditionel and we only wear cloves to fight.I fell confortable in that and I found that poeple are more respectfull when they fight and have more control. I also do a lot of open tournements where is free for all,I always tell the others that I have to work on monday.So to wear the head gear or not is up to you and how you fell.
  9. Salut Quebec Si il y a d'autre quebecquois ou meme fracophones Je vous invite a m'ecrire
  10. Which one do you prefer Kata or fighting ? For my part kata is the way to train.
  11. kataman

    Chito Ryu

    It was my first style in 1985-1987 best kata SASON
  12. My karate-gi is a contack Sparring gear (traditionel ) only glove (kamikaze) open glove and feet ( century)
  13. I aggree with the above,What you need to keep in mine my Portugal friend is that black belt is not the end of the road ,but the begining of some thing new and more deeper. You are young and have the time in the worl use it good i know you can.
  14. The question is do we need to hit or get hit ? By practicing MA 2 or 3 times a week, I am usuly more calme and relax so when probleme acure i am not that quit on the triger.It that still normal or what,Ok from where I,M from I don't have to prove my self everyday or maybe it the age,but still it work I DON'T GET IT
  15. I know the feeling ,well i don't train 5 hours a day,cause of work and family,but when i am on the mat there is no other place i want to be.
  16. I trained 2 to 3 times a week but the best time I have is in my bed cause I can do the techniques and katas time and time again in my head
  17. Word to word kime mean focus so uselly you have to do the technique Focus,power,kiai
  18. kataman


    Effectively kumite is related to sparing orfighting. in some school the use ippon-kumite (one attack one block) and sambon kumite (3 steeps attack ) kumite is always related to fighting.
  19. Kempo is a style of karate just like stotokan,for some it belived to be the closses one to the original karate from okinawa.Rought and tought they fight with bear hands and feet.
  20. How many of you practice MA with your spouse? If yes oes it have a impact on your family live?
  21. I made a come back to karate after a 15 years brake in january 2002.None stop since, then I love the style and I love the tournements.I am a blue belt one month away from a brouwn belt,Igo to the dojo 2 to 3 times a week and I do weapons on sunday for 2 hours. It feel good to be 36 years old.
  22. I am a blue belt, one month away from a brown belt and one year and a half from a black belt. but like I say I don't train for belt color I train for the streets.
  23. M.A is like a girl friend different types ,different shapes you need to find which one is for you.
  24. That why you need to test your sensei,Ask questions,even go around and talk of your Sensei. I remember have gone to a seminar 5 hours from where i live and i met a sensei that i don't know,just by the crest on my karate-ki he told me that my Sensei use to be really good in fighting That made me prould of my dojo.
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