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Everything posted by kataman

  1. Hello from Quebec
  2. Hello from quebec
  3. Hello from quebec
  4. hello from quebec
  5. Hello from Québec Ouest of the provice across from Ottawa the national capital
  6. I,am a bus driver for the city of Gatineau
  7. Air supply all the way
  8. After the death of my new born baby a month ago ,I often do the same dream that I'm holding on to something,then I let go I don't know what that mean but I hope that life will give me the answer one day
  9. GO HAB GO
  10. Aggree In the old style of tomari-te it was called rohai.Gichin Funakoshi changed it to Meikyo that mean to clean the mirror (in ref: of one of the imperial jewel )
  11. sho = show (long "o" sound) to = toe (long "o" sound) kan = kahn...as in lawn (soft "a" sound) aggree welcome to a another canadian
  12. I aggree we do one kata per belt till we hit brown.then 5 for each dan. Heian shodan-nidan-sandan-yodan-godan. bassai sho-kanku sho-tekki shodan (from brown to black
  13. In our school (shotokan)we don't teach kubodo cause, karate mean empty hand. There is a kubodo school nearby with is own belt systeme.
  14. To my point of view the best fighter ever that I have encounter is my wife. I saw the face of a guy who tried to steel her purse at the super market,not a prety site to see.
  15. Every day man punch with his shoulder,when the martial artist will punch with his hips,the faster you rotate, the faster and harder you will punch. Catching a punch.Well I am not familiar with this term,but I am with dodging or side steping.instaid of facing a punch i prefer to step away from the punch and closer to the side or the back of the opponent.
  16. We don't use that type of fighting,but I do tournements with the japan karate shotokan association and we only fight with glove on. At first it fell strange, but I fell more confortable with less equipments.
  17. Never mind kata just take the te-waza,there half of the movements that you don't use in fighting or you'll be disqualified. 1)shuto 2)fingers to the eyes 3)elbow to the face etc... But you use them in kata. Don't get me wrong, I like fighting, but the type of fighting that we do is far from the real Mc Coy (what going on the street)
  18. Seven star my friend if you had read the rest of the definition of what i think is a kata it about what you said maybe with some five cents words. For pin point fighting if you have a better explination I am all ears.
  19. Il est toujours agréable d'avoir des amis un peu partout même si il ne pas pas toujours très bien ta langue. Bonjour Senna-trem je t'invite si tu veux bavarder a m'envoyer un petit message dans mon email Merci !!! Je demeure au Québec tout juste sur les lignes entre l"ontario et le Québec (Gatineau-Ottawa)
  20. Why spend that much energy on point fighting when you can focus on kata and the rest will fall in place'that what I belive
  21. You are right, but it true that only judo tkd are in the olympic,but if you are patient enough soon will be in too by the way wresling is a MA Sport too
  22. Well said,I can never get enough.
  23. Messieurs Il me semble que vous êtes tous les deux americains,Si l'un de vous n'est pas heureux de l'être et bien ses son probleme.Le but de ce topic etait de voir si il y avait d'autre francophone sur le forum et non de partir une 3 ieme quere mondial.
  24. When I came back to karate in 2002, after a 15 years break, I place third in kata, since that I did 24 tournements all together. Today I have 50 medals,I usaly do prety good in kata ' but it took 7 tournements before I won my first fight so do discurage.If you practice your kata seriusly eventualy you will be a good fighter.
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