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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Issen-ryu Karate
  • Location
    Tullahoma TN
  • Interests
    Fan-Dancing, Horseback Riding, Computers, and Karate
  • Occupation

SilentCrusader107's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. True,, I dont watch MUCH of the show anymore, I am more often working on Charts, my Kata, or doing other stuff, but I still like the show, It just has lost alot of other peoples intrest once the sayjins became one of those 'all-might' forces, *sighs* that i guess is one of the reasons I like Tien, he is one of the strongest humans, and has worked har to get were he is, wereever that may be,...
  2. MY sensei says that the hips help in puching and blocking, but that is only what he has told me and the ohters in my class.
  3. Vegita is cool. I am trying to colect all the DBGT movies, but i have seen epasodes 1 to 10 of DBGT. my personal fave character is Tien *blushes* I dunno why, ever since I had started watching DBZ I like him ^___^ but like I said,...I dunno WHY I like him,...I just do, lol. but anywho, goku is a total nub-head, Vegita can be a pest at times with his pride about the size of canada, but oh well! lol.
  4. Hello! I am Katie, I take Issen-ryu Karate, and have been taking it for 4 months now. I am a white belt, but my Sensei holds me in hi regards. I often helt teach the newer White Belts. I go to the Tellahoma School of Karate ((also Known As: TSK)) you can visit my Dojo's Website at https://www.TSKonline.com.
  5. I am just a mere white belt, but Sensei already has me teaching the newer white belts the charts, and takioka kata's. issen-ryu is a very semple style, prettymuch ment for gettting the job at hand done, though helping with newbies gets me behind, the sensei at the dojo I go to is very understanding, and lets me get extra time in. I like Issen-ryu because it is fairly easy to understand and is ((most of the time)) effective, unless you are like me and have double jointed wrists, lol. But I think issen-ryu is a good style for people that want to learn karate for self defence, but if you are looking for a 'pretty' style, this is not it, thisone isn't like your 'dance-like' karte styles, but meerly a means of protection.
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