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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido
  • Interests
    TKD, Kungfu Movies, Guitars, Computers
  • Occupation
    TKD Instructor

OrenJuMok's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Hopefully, this will show as Korean characters, if not try the encoding drop down in IE6 View -> Encoding -> korean 콜태스 Theres several ways to write it but 콜 = Cor (last R not really a R sound but kinda L and R mixed) 태 =Teh 스 =Sih Cor-teh-sih = Cortes with a korean accent HTH
  2. Anyone know what kind of training regimen olympic martial artists go through? I recently heard the Korean TKD heavyweight Gold Medalist Moon Dae Sung trained 10 hours a day in preparation for Athens '04. How can somebody go through this kind of rigorus training and have any energy left and stay injury free? Do these atheletes hold jobs or are they sponsered? I've seen the home depot commercials claiming people like Steven Lopez being a employee. But do they actually work?
  3. Weak side spinning jump kicks are tough.... I got a killer right leg jump back spinning kick but a pretty lousy lefty
  4. Go with swimming....great all around cardio workout without the shock and pounding of the joints that running/jumping causes. Your knees and ankles will thank you when you are older.
  5. Go with swimming....great all around cardio workout without the shock and pounding of the joints that running/jumping causes. Your knees and ankles will thank you when you are older.
  6. Just want to see how often you guys/girls stretch... Im working on the splits and want to see if i can get away with only stretching once a day.
  7. My gm used to do a 4 point break (scissor kick, roundhouse then punch as you're coming down) that looked awesome. My favorite of all time is a 3 board break by one of the K-tigers. Here's a clip from Turtlepress Its the 540 Spin kick.
  8. Im looking for a good knee supporter for use during my TKD workouts. I've never used any kind of joint supporter before, what brands are good? Should i be looking into neoprene? cotton? other? My main concern is flexibility(want to be able to easily bend my knee completely) The Bauerfeind Genutrain knee supporter looks real nice but its a whooping $50 bucks. Any experience with theses?
  9. What ever you do....DONT ask a large group of 4-7 year olds what they want to do. They will go crazy. Instead give them "choices." They can pick this or that....always keep control and never turn you back. Do alot of talking. That said, Go out and buy a long jump rope, tie it to a rail and have each kid take turns...Builds coordination and leg strength. Have the older kids "jump in"
  10. What about fingertip pushups? I find that doing fingertip pushups really helps my hand/finger strength.
  11. Stop being a showoff!!! Just kidding! Its always the guys who cant do the splits that harass those who can. Keep at it and next time dont forget to bring two chairs to do your best Jean Claude Van Damme impression.... that will really piss them off:)
  12. I doubt that she actually practices TKD. Aside from her bad technique, She's got a black trimmed uniform (usually reserved for B.B.) with a way too long blue belt. Also it looks like she just pulled the uniform out of its plastic bag, you can still see the crease marks. Sure, she's breaking a board, but I've seen 8 year olds with zero TKD experience break boards too. She is cute though....I hope she won the beauty pageant.
  13. Is it normal to have shaky hands during/after a working out? I notice I get the shakes during/after tough workouts, and its a little embarrassing when someone notices. Anyone know what causes the hands to shake? Is it a dehydration thing? Or not getting enough vitamins? I dont drink coffee or anything with caffine so that can be ruled out.... 감사합니다.
  14. If you've ever taught kids you know who i'm talking about... Theres always one kid that just drives you up the wall. In my class, there is one in particular that will not sit still, runs around, ridicules other kids, hits, etc..... In the past he was managable, but ever since his parents got divorced, he's turned into the antichrist. I've tried to sit him down and separate him from the class when he's bad but I cant do that for the for the whole hour.... Any suggestions? should i pay more attention? less?
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