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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Tae Kwon Do/Okinawan Weaponry
  • Location
  • Interests
    Martial Arts
  • Occupation
    Martial Arts Instructor/Student/Highschool Student

Ryu's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. I want to learn how to use the Ninja Sword, but I can't find any videos or books to assist me, my instructors doesn't know it either. I know some things about swords, but not much. Does anyone know of any website I can buy videos to learn Ninjutsu Sword? What I am looking for is something with straight blade and not Tai Chi sword, thanks all.
  2. Hey, Hey all, I have a pair of crescent blades and I am creating some katas for them for competition, has anyone ever seen them before? If not, contact me and I'll send you a picture of them. somers8907@yahoo.com.
  3. I have a question for everyone. How do you all develope speed? How do you speed train, I want to know because I want to develope more speed, I am very fast as it is, but I want to be "all I can be," the fastest I can be.
  4. Along with the Kamas, I am considering getting pair of sais, depending on the answers I get, I will get the Sais Pacakge I have put together, or the Kamas package I have put together.
  5. Does anyone know what the Zen Do Kai website is? If you do, could ya tell me?
  6. Thanks you two for all your help.
  7. During the Winter, I am Head Instructor with the watch of my instructorfor the Kids class, during the Summers, when my Black Belt Instructor comes back, he teaches. But in the winter, I am Head Instructor.
  8. I need some help, Could anyone tell me how to successfully meditate? And what is the usage of meditating? How does it help?, What does it do?, ect.
  9. I think you should hold them back until the age of 16. If they can get, give them a Junior Blackbelt instead (a bleack belt with a white strip running through it's entire length). And when they come of age, have them take the blackbelt test, if they pass, they can have it.
  10. oops, put my previous post in the wrong forum. AAAADUUUUUUH!
  11. Do you know how many types of Martial Arts styles there are for world Champions, and lets not forget how many years there have been World Champions.
  12. Oh and another thing, My dojang officially lets 14 years old in as well, except I didn't go in when I turned 14, I did when I was 11, I asked my instructor and he let me. I was being distracted by the younger and older kids of the kids class and I wanted a more serious approach, with less kiddy games and more adult training. I did have the mentallity then. I went into the adults calls a month after I joined, when I got my second belt, orange in ITF Tae Kwon Do. Yeah it was fast, and I wasn't ready, thats why I wanted to go to the adults class, I didn't want my next belt until I know I am ready as well as my instructors. But once I went into the Adults class, I gained more knowledge of things, I was able to learn faster, I got the attention I needed and wanted (my adults class is very small). Everything was more focused and it was a twice as long of a class. That was three years ago, almost 4, 4 in November. And I am a Blue Belt, halfway to my brown. (might be red because my school is going through some changes). I was ready for the Adults class, and I'll take anything my instructors throw at me.
  13. Dae, You got a problem with a 14 year old in the adult class? I am 14 and I am an instructor for the kids class, as well as one of the top ranking students in the ADULTs class of my dojang, so get over it.
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