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Everything posted by tokeabowl

  1. you're saying that because you do TDK. I dont know why but people who do TKD talk smack lot.
  2. Kick boxing is just a sport like Football. Karate is a martial art. There are a lot more meaning to it than just learning how to fight. It is about respect and disapline.
  3. maybe in for some hardcore martial arts.
  4. If its for self defense, Ju Jitsu for sho!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I started martial arts because of two things. I am a small guy and I loved to fight. However, starting martial arts have taught me a lot of things. I have learned to refrain from violence. After starting martial arts, I have reallized that its is shameful to get in a fight over stupid things. Now, I think fighting is stupid and I would never get in one unless someone is trying to kill me. Another reason is becasue I am a small guy. Big people try to take advantage of small people.
  6. hmm, I would have to say karate and kung fu. If you really want to hurt the other guy, use kung fu. However, karate is a good way to fight multiple people also. They teach you how to hit people who are behind you either with your elbows or your fist. There are some really good ways to knock people out. I dont think Judo or BJJ would be good becase while you are wrestling one person down, the other can come up behind you and punch you in the back of the head. If two people decide to team up on you, go ahead and use cheap methods. Such as groin shots.
  7. tokeabowl

    Dojo Kun

    I think having the class say the dojo kun/oath is a really good idea.
  8. The usual, basics, then moving basics, then bags. Thats pretty much what we do in practice.
  9. tokeabowl


    You never know, but when you get in a real situation, you will notice you will be doing things you learned in Shotokan.
  10. There are some ultamate fighters who use kimura. Like that Russian fighter Fedor.
  11. there are some ultamate fighters that practice ninjutsu.
  12. sprawing is a good takedown, but i think it is dangerous on the streets. You should look in to Judo. Judo has some really good take downs.
  13. I do karate, but my friends where teaching me this, and it is really hard so I quit. However, I think this is a really effective way of fighting, so I think I am going to learn more about it!!
  14. I think you should take a break from it then. I was like that when I was going nowhere, I wanted to become a really good fighter fast. or, there were too many things going on in my life. I had to work, study and practice. This became too much for me. so my advice is to take a break. For like a month.
  15. Mine is 2 hours, plus another hour for fighting class where we learn how to fight. The hour class after is much harder than the first two hours!
  16. dont forget the bottle breaking by mas oyama.
  17. I dont, thats disrespectful.
  18. Theres a karate dojo in New Orleans?? wtf i thought all asain things are banned there!!
  19. I started karate because I wanted to get disapline. I wanted to stop the life I was living with drugs and alcohol. And doing so, have helped me become a better person.
  20. check out stuff on Hidehiko Yoshida. I think there will be stuff on Kimura.
  21. I think you should do both. You should do judo frist becasue I think it is a good way to throw big people!
  22. I like De La Hoya the best because he is a nice guy. I dont like Tyson or Ali. I mean, sure, they were excellent boxers, but they where messed up people.
  23. Anything can happen, but I say Muay Thai.
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