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Metsubushi's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. for most it does but for me just makes me think that i am natrally the best in the world and leads me away from doin anything so i do my exercise routines without music and just singing to my self
  2. MERRY CHISTMAS EVERYONE AND let loki provide you with comedy
  3. My grandad was in the raf and boxed and competed against a boxer who later became world known he didnt go to war was blinded by a foor ball (youch)
  4. Well you could allways hit him in places which he cant prove. I mean if hes crawling with a bad stomach ache that can be faked. But when it comes to a black eye broken nose its obvious somone did something
  5. every religeon exept buddhism ( cos if you follow it perfectly your not ment to attack or kill anything even at death situations ) i think its because the thing that you attack may be a buddist in another life now ( that idear would mean you woudnt need to take ma if no one could attack you cos of the beilefe
  6. Winter a night creature all the way
  7. I can only point the way, each of you must walk the path alone
  8. Well theirs this person 6 foot 4 tall ( i am only 5 foot 1 ) he keeps punching me when i am not looking. He is a year older than me ( any advice how to take the guy down... ) ( hes nearly killed somone aswell.. so i am scared .. )
  9. https://www.battleorders.co.uk sells them wodden / metal / flashy ones / practise pair ones
  10. sorry to hear that i use to look at it and worked for me and iadmit when itried just before i posted it it didnt work i take it the site where to bu ythe ch ucks did ?
  11. Just thought you guys would like to no if you want a site about nunchaku with all the techniques etc go here http://soulgrind22.homestead.com also if your in uk you may want to buy nunchucks here https://www.battleorders.co.uk
  12. (sorry guys i bet you you had a lot of topics on this) well i am natrally flexible i would like some kinda leg flexibality training. So i can do a low kick ie knee thi and shins. Also a mid kick of roufly hip or solar plexes so i will be able to kick without the of felling of feeling of toppling onto the ground or being un stable unstable (also is their any i can make my shoulder s broader so they dont ache when i just r aise my arm after a while i think tis cos of waights but could you tell me some way to condition my shoulders? ( sorry wasting ure time for a half witted person )
  13. the founder of AIKDO'S BIRTHDAY ! shame he died 34 years ago
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