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Personal Information

  • Location
    new mexico
  • Interests
    kickboxing(of course), weight training, personal fitness
  • Occupation
    kickboxing instructor/ certified personal trainer

striker's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. i would like to get informative responses to this question please. i am a combative kickboxer. and while sparing a few days ago, i injured my shin while executing a kick. we were sparing (moderate contact)... i had my partner cornered and he began to panic and began to block... as he did he lifted his knee as i threw a mui tai kick to his leg... it was to late for me to stop the kick in motion and i ended up bruising my shin badly... the swelling was instantanious... i imediately began icing it and took antinflamitories for the swelling... it is improved, but i would like to prevent its occurance in the future... so here's my question: does anyone know any exercises or training regiments to strengthen the shin bones? (please, only exercises that are effective and used by you personally...) if so would you please describe exercises and regiments... where i live there are no other places to gather this type of info.... i would like to have shins of steel and i figured who better to ask than thaiboxers who have the toughest, most unbreakable legs in the arts... Thanks so very much... __________________ Anthony With hard work, any dream can become reality... :wave:
  2. Thank you all for your advice. It is very much appreciated. It is hard getting back into the swing of things and I hope I can stick with it this time.
  3. Thank you all for welcoming me so warmly. Right off, I would like to ask everyone a question... I've been a martial artist for 18yrs. Two years ago I had a tramatic change in my life. I fell into a depression and stopped training. I am finally getting back on my feet, and training again. However, my mind is still a little missed up and I find that I am getting frustrated and discouraged with my training sessions. I know everyone has their bad days and bad workouts. So, my question to all of you is, what do you think or do when things just don't click just right. Do you have any advice, any sayings or words of wisdom? Thanks!!! Anthony
  4. I started martial arts when i was 12. I was being pushed around by an older boy. When we faced off a few months later, i made him submit. I've been hooked ever since. I've trained with many different people and have adapted many different techniques into my tool box of moves, including western style boxing, and diferent locks, and self defense moves. I am a kickboxer, but more towards the reality based, combative styles of defense. My style of kickboxing has saved me from the rough and dangerous moments of some tough neighborhoods. I am not a competitor, but a kickboxing instructor and a personal trainer. I am certified as a personal trainer and nutiriton consultant. And hope to become certified as a nutiritionist one day. I have a few clients (including my fiance) and have plans of expansion soon. I am very happy to become a member of the kickboxing.com family. I would be happy to answer any questions and would enjoy recieving opinions and input on the arts. Thanks for your warm welcome and god bless. ________Anthony_________ if you can dream it, you can acheive it! [ This Message was edited by: striker on 2001-10-10 16:36 ]
  5. Thank you all for welcoming me so warmly. Right off, I would like to ask everyone a question... I've been a martial artist for 18yrs. Two years ago I had a tramatic change in my life. I fell into a depression and stopped training. I am finally getting back on my feet, and training again. However, my mind is still a little missed up and I find that I am getting frustrated and discouraged with my training sessions. I know everyone has their bad days and bad workouts. So, my question to all of you is, what do you think or do when things just don't click just right. Do you have any advice, any sayings or words of wisdom? Thanks!!! [ This Message was edited by: striker on 2001-10-10 16:07 ]
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