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Everything posted by Goju1

  1. Hi all - Do most of you have different classes available for belt levels? Just curious.... we have a few per week where everyone can train together (which ih is great to have the beginners see the higher belts) and then we have classes just for white - green, green - purple, brown and black, black only and Nidan and above. This allows more specialization obviously. what do yall think?
  2. We (IOGKF Goju Ryu) learn one for white belt, one for yellow, one for green belt (saifa), one for purple (Seienchin), one for brown (Shisoshin) So you have roughly a year or more to work on a kata before you learn a new one. then at Shodan we learn Sanseru, a year and a half later at Nidan another, and so on. Not counting Sanchin and Tensho, the breathing katas, which we start to learn at about brown belt level.
  3. Yes, actually try to slow the katas down, as with the adrenaline you will be moving faster than you think anyway. Also, lots of deep breathing! good luck!
  4. we take very deep stances in kata and practice, so pulling with front leg becomes necessary. However in other shorter stances, we will push with the rear leg - good topic!
  5. Goju1

    The End

    I had to take a couple of years off due to a variety of situations, illness, etc.. and although I didn't train as much as I could/should have.... I still considered myself a karate-ka. Once you are, you always are, i think, unless you make a decision to reject your training. You can practice your katas, basics, and do the stretching and calisthenics just fine. Try to set aside a special place, like your own dojo area and keep it regular. Much easier said than done!! good luck and keep posting!
  6. I've got an old 'Kata' Gi that has stood up remarkably. Its mid/heavyweight, definitely get a heavier Gi, they feel better and last longer (also sound good ) I need to replace mine and retire it to secondary status but its like an old glove now!
  7. I think both Sasori Te and Tote are right. A sempai can be anyone above you in rank, but especially one who 'takes you under his wing' and helps you to advance. Just what I have learned. We wear the crest of our Sensei's Sensei's Sensei's - oh never mind - a really old insignia recognizing the style with a family crest intwined in it
  8. [quote="Practise is the Key My dojo i do kicking heavy bag sway bag weight lifting how to fall without injurie etc. spar with brown belt etc. i beat all blue and red belt etc. My senior said you are a very good compititor for a white belt. My best advice is to not be so competitive - it doesn't make you a better karate-ka because you can beat all the higher belts. Just focus on what you can do, and do it to the best of your ability. Forget everyone else. Stay inside yourself! Sounds like easy advice, but I know from my own experience, because i used to think more like you and it almost ruined Karate for me. I had to take a while off and realize we're all on the same path, just different places. It sounds like you'll do fine, most white belt tests are relatively simple anyway and your Sensei wouldn't have invited you if he thought you'd fail (in most cases) Good Luck!
  9. I'm guessing its a language thing. I am split - being a traditionalist, I yearn for the old ways (2 belts), but I can see the many advantages of a ranking system, i.e. knowing who to ask for advice in a large dojo, allowing a visiting instructor to split up lower/higher skilled persons for advanced training, etc... If I had to 'vote' at this point I'd choose the belt system (ouch) because I feel in todays society (western at least) it has far more advantages than disadvantages. Caveat being that we're talking about a well run Dojo here Good Topic!
  10. Both - as you progress into the higher classes, you are expected to know most in Japanese. We have frequent Senseis from Japan who don't speak English so we need a translator or better know it ourselves
  11. Just got curious from another thread - before we get our full black belt, (as opposed to probationary) we have to apply to a Japanese Karate Federation, submitted with pictures, recommendation from our Sensei, etc... Is this common?
  12. I think we all agree with you on this one. There needs to be some system somewhere of checks and balances, otherwise our beloved karate could go right down the political/corporate toilet! And please keep posting, at least you keep things interesting! I'd look forward to meeting all of you one day
  13. Too bad politics has to ruin karate too. Can we stick to the original topic, I don't really care about y'alls Sensei's (who are all American anyway ) And I don't know if you realize or care, Hohan, but in all of your posts you're coming across as a guy with a major attitude problem.
  14. To be honest, I've never heard of wearing shoes in karate. What's the big deal? We're not allowed to wear shoes even for outdoor training (makes the feet tougher ) I say go shoeless - except for reality training for a real situation. Then wear cowboy boots!
  15. Goju1

    I'm crazy

    You guys have me figured out already. Damn. I'm a complete loser who hasnt had a girl friend since high school. Latly though I havent been around the fairer sex much exsept for the ones in my classes. We only figured ya out because we been there!
  16. Goju1


    We've got to keep in mind that most of these applications are very old and may be unrealistic, but they just show one way. For instance, the 4th bunkai in Saifa would leave an attacker with broken eardrums, gouged eyes and a broken neck! We probably would not use that today, except in extreme circumstances But it leads one to wonder what other applications there might be. To me, without the bunkai, the kata become not worthless, but much less important. You've got to know why you're doing what you're doing
  17. Goju1


    Yes, what would Karate be without Bunkai? We have the single applications which you would demonstrate for your BB test, these break down the kata to show the intent of the movements, and also there is a constantly moving full contact type of Bunkai, which when learned correctly and done full speed/power looks like a MA movie scene (except real )
  18. You got a deal! Yes Seiunchin is our purple belt kata (4th), I would be interested in any differences, are there any websites where it is shown?
  19. Should be 18 in a serious style, sports styles, probably doesn't matter. IMHO. G95Champ put it well, there are a certain amount of potentially dangerous teachings at that level, which carry with them a certain amount of responsibility. Also, even a phsically large 16 year old is not as strong as a 'fullgrown man' Just my 2 cents
  20. Good point. We train on a wood floor with no Air Conditioning and in the summer it can get pretty sweaty, but you learn to deal with it. I would advise not going to the crutch of wearing shoes (unless you're not in 'traditional' karate) as there are some toe grips, holds and strikes you will learn later. But if you have to have shoes, I like Otomix for other sports, and I know they have a martial arts line.
  21. Goju1

    I'm crazy

  22. Anyone trained in Okinawa? I just found out we (IOGKF) are having a Budosai there next July and its been a longtime goal of mine to go to the birthplace of karate. This is in Naha, which as most of you historians know is the home of Naha-Te, which was renamed Goju-Ryu. I'm curious as to great hotels, airline deals, stuff for the family (non-karate) to do whilst I train away in the heat and humidity . Any info appreciated! Aragaki Shuichi Sensei, Miyagi Anichi Sensei and Higoanna Morio Sensei, plus many other masters from other styles will be there, so I don't think I can pass it up. Only problem is $$$, but if I live on bread and water (or beer) til then, maybe??? Thanks in advance for any input.
  23. Thanks for the input - thats all I wanted to know, great replys!
  24. Yep - I've been on the receiving end of a few of those too!
  25. Wow!!! I like that
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