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Everything posted by CW

  1. I work with a business called Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing. I am showing martial arts school how they can generate extra income by using this business. Check it out and let me know what you think. Also, I drive limos and provide bodyguard services for clients when needed. One of the neat things about driving a limo is you get to meet famous people.
  2. Hey Aka Fighter, hope you know I was not being sharp with you on the tax thing. I have been doing Kempo martial arts since 1984 and have always dreamed of going full time with it. The area of the USA that I live in, is very dead to martial arts. People around here are very closed minded about martial arts.
  3. Not a tax man!!! Just wondering who teaches full time. I would love to be able to myself. Where I live in West TN, it would be hard to do it full time.
  4. Who teaches martial arts as their only income? Where is your school located at and do you have a school web page?
  5. I am from Jackson, TN. https://www.jacksontn.com I also know where Estonia is. I work as a limo/bus driver and I carried a children's hand bell choir from Parnu, Estonia when they came to Jackson. They were with the United Methodist Church there. They were some of the best kids.
  6. One thing to look into is your Park & Recreation Dept . If you are involved with a church, talk with the pastor and tell him what you are wanting to do. Some pastors are open to martial arts and some are not. I am teaching out of my church and it has worked out great. Also, if there are any health clubs in your city, talk with them too. Best of luck on finding a place
  7. Well written G95champ. I would say that 90% of my student enjoy breaking down the moves of our katas more than sparring . When I was learning how to do Bunkai I felt like a chicken running around with his head cut off at first. I think a lot of people don't like kata because when they try to figure out what is going on in a kata, it is hard and they give up too easily. If a person will keep trying and trying to figure out what the bunkai is of katas, it will CLICK one day and kata will take on a whole new light. At my school we have a fun time trying to figure out the strikes, grapples, pressure points and etc. of the katas. I have learned things from my lower belts, doing bunkai because they keep it simple and as a 4th degree, I sometimes try to be too technical on things. If everyone will give bunkai of kata a try and not give up on it, I think they would really like it
  8. I think one of the things you have to decide is, do you want a art that is close-in fighting or a art that keeps your attacker away from you. I study Ryukyu Kempo. This is a japanese style. We work a lot of grappling, take downs, pressure points and very heavy into kata. These are great for close-in fighting. Now if you are not comfortable with close-in fighting you would need to look at a TKD style. The TKD style is very strong in kicking which is very good at keeping your attacker away from you. What you will need to do is go and check out several different schools and styles and see what is for you. As for workout, you can make any style as hard a workout as you want. It is up to you
  9. I am a limo driver. The cool thing about this job is that I get to meet some very high profile people and do bodyguard work for these people through the limo company. I have meet some very cool folks from my town through the limos. What I hate about this job is that I pull some weird hours and it keeps me away from the family and also keeps me from working out with martial arts the way I would like to. I have now started my own business called Fortune. If the business does what I think it will, I will be able to spend more time with my family and workout more here soon.
  10. I am just wondering how you got your school to grow. I have a small class of about 10 students. This number was up to about 20 - 25 before the doors of the place I was teaching out of was closed. It took me about 3 months to find a place to start teaching again. With that long of time with no place to workout I lost most of the students. I am now teaching out of my church. By the way the art that I teach is Ryukyu Kempo. I am a 4th degree black belt. It feels great teaching again, but I am having problems getting the class to grow. The city that I live in Jackson TN. is about 60,000 in size. I would like to hear how you got your school to grow. Thanks, Chuck[/img]
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