Well written G95champ. I would say that 90% of my student enjoy breaking down the moves of our katas more than sparring . When I was learning how to do Bunkai I felt like a chicken running around with his head cut off at first. I think a lot of people don't like kata because when they try to figure out what is going on in a kata, it is hard and they give up too easily. If a person will keep trying and trying to figure out what the bunkai is of katas, it will CLICK one day and kata will take on a whole new light. At my school we have a fun time trying to figure out the strikes, grapples, pressure points and etc. of the katas. I have learned things from my lower belts, doing bunkai because they keep it simple and as a 4th degree, I sometimes try to be too technical on things. If everyone will give bunkai of kata a try and not give up on it, I think they would really like it