Hello everyone. I've been a lurker for a little while enjoying just reading what other peoples experiances are in their schools.I never really had anything to say till tonight when I finaly realized what has kind of been bothering me at my school. I can't help it that I am TALL.I'm sorry but when ever I spar with my class mates when the class is done all they ever say is your -Your legs are so long, your too tall,your too strong and blah blah blah..... I'm only a Yelowbelt and most of the people I spar with are Blue and above.They have alot more exp than I do and what I guess really bothers me is that they won't give me any credit for being good.I'm not saying that I'm great just that maybe I have a few skills.When I spar with the class instructors and they do good against me it's like everyone is glad that I'm getting hit.All it makes me think is that maybe they need to practice their lessons more instead of complaining about my TALLNESS . I don't brag when I do good against them I compliment them when they hit me.I guess what I wish they would do is just maybe just say hey thats a good one not your too TALL.I just find this a little frustrating. I just want to be known as someone who might have a few skills not someone who does well because he's TALL. Oh well sorry to cry on your shoulders this being my first post that I put up but I figured some of you have probably delt with this before. Thanks for the ear, Gene