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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Chun Kuk Do, Hapkido
  • Interests
    religion, science, comics, martial arts, Mustangs
  • Occupation
    Graduate Student

Icebrc's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I am currently attending Moo Sul Kwan Hapkido founded by Lee H. Park. MSK HKD is not very wide spread and having just finished my degree I will be moving (hopefully) soon whenver I get a job (so the destination is unknown at this time). MSK is the only HKD I know, but I also know some of the people I've met feel that other HKD associations have watered down the art. So I was just wondering if anybody could give me some sort of information on the associations/schools out there and what major differences exist. I've researched a little online but mostly get advertisements and/or history of HKD. Any information would be greatly appreciated as I love HKD and hope to continue it.
  2. Chuck Norris also created Chun Kuk Do and the United Fighting Arts Federation (https://www.ufaf.org). The first Martial Art I've studied (out of two ). From what I was told, CKD had many aspects from the many arts he studied put together into what he called "The Universal Way" (Chun Kuk Do).
  3. I've never trained much on throws prior to Hapkido so I have nothing to compare my expirence too. But, we have a raised wooden floor with a medium thickness carpet covering it.
  4. TFC, CS, DOD (mostly CS though). Don't play all that much anymore due to real life stuff. I also play JKII: Outcast occasionally.
  5. Well I'm new here so hello everybody. I've searched for Chun Kuk Do and UFAF but didn't find anything. First, does anybody know of Chun Kuk Do / UFAF ? Most people I run into have never heard of it and look at me kind of funny. Chun Kuk Do is the MA that Chuck Norris started (UFAF being the organization CKD belongs to I guess, not really sure to be honest). I live in Missouri, USA and there were 4 (now only 2) schools in the entire state (all in the southeast region). It was the only option besides TKD when I was younger so I jumped on it. Most people think of TSD when I mention Norris and appear skeptical that I'm serious. So incase the form is unknown here the site is http://www.ufaf.org but unfortunately there isn't much information to be found there. I acheived 2nd red (as my sig shows) back in 1996. I was 2 belts from black (1st red then 1st black). Unfortunatley I've fallen way out of practice and have no way of picking back up. Okay, enough biography. Does anybody here know of CKD? Opinions of the art? Effectiveness/usefulness relative to other similar arts (TKD, Karate, etc)?
  6. My wife respects my love of MA. Since I've returned to it my attitude towards life has improved dramatically. So I imagine once it becomes even more time consuming she'll support it 100% since she knows what it means to me. Besides that, she likes to watch competitions (that I'm in, which has only ever been 1 lol).
  7. Such a hard question. Donatello- Love the bo, love the smarts. Raph- Absolutely love the Sais and love the smart remarks Mike- Nunchuks are cool, but a bit over done IMHO. Not too much I was big on except his silly comments. Leo- Swords are cool, respected his honor, but found him rather boring.
  8. I am hardly an expert in body building/shaping, but I don't believe that everybody can "show their abs". Genetics does have a play in it. My brother was an avid body builder several years ago and while his abs were rock solid, there was little more than a subtle outline. Much like the "momma" pudge that some women have. Of course if you are already fairly thin, then genetics is probably not the problem.
  9. TKD Judo Hapkido (which is what I'm in)
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